The World As I See It

This is a THOUGHT paper. It is designed for you to be able to carefully and thoughtfully evaluate your world as you
have come to think of it now that the semester has concluded. Review your initial video and think about all the
ways your view of world might have changed from the beginning of the semester.

1. This essay should be
3-7 pages in length
No larger than 12 point font (Ariel or Times New Roman)
Double-spaced, typed
1 inch margins
Free of typographical and grammatical errors
Be sure to include your name, course number, course section, and date on the right-hand corner.
You will need to upload your essay onto Turnitin.
Because it is a personal thought essay, you will not need to cite references, unless you are quoting or
otherwise using the work of others, but you do not need to do additional research for this paper.

2. Think of all that we talked about this semester, from place and space, to population, ethnicity, language,
religion, political space, agriculture and food, economic development, and urbanization. You can also use
examples from the films and/or articles we have explored in class this semester.

3. Comment on any changes in perspective or insights you have gained from studying Human Geography this


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  • Choose any stand-up comedy show of your choice and write a review of it on the delivery of the speaker’s speech. What did the speakers’ delivery make you think about your work in this speech class? Were the performers fully committed and emotionally invested with their language? Did they speak with clarity? Were they making eye contact with their scene partner or audience? Did their voices fill the room? Did they seem comfortable in their bodies? Were their feet firmly planted on the floor? Were they breathing?
  • Human Rights violation
  • The World As I See It
  • Use the lens of Henry Spiras campaign tactics to analyze the ethics of Rodeos. Have any of Spiras tactics been deployed in fighting for animal rights in the issue and how so? Have any of his tactics not been used? Identify and explain potential future possibilities for the campaign with these unused tactics.
Reference no: EM132069492

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