Web Development Project – IT Assignment Help

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Assignment Task

1 Creating project in Visual Studio (VS)

Name this project “HotelOneSID”. Here the SID can belong to any of your group members. Say, if one of your group members has the SID “12345678”, then this project can be named “Hotel12345678”. Since the project needs to support authentication for customers and administrators, it needs the ASP.NET Identity package in the very beginning. To include this package in your project, you should carefully follow the slides in our Lecture 9, which is released on vUWS already. During the above process, you should name the SQLite database file “Goma.db”. In this project, you are going to use it to store data not only for authentication, but also for the Goma Hotel. Moreover, you should follow the slides in Lecture 9 to scaffold the source code of the Identity package into your project. Finally, when you run this project, you should see the Register and Login links appear in the right of the navigation bar.

2 Two roles of administrators and customers

Besides maintaining users’ credentials, the Identity package can also assign users with different roles. You are required to use this package to divide the users of this website into two roles: administrators and customers. You should create only one user with the ‘administrators’ role, and set up his/her username to be ‘admin@gomahotel.com’ and his/her password to be ‘P@ssw0rd’ when the web application starts. On the other hand, all users registering into the website by clicking the ‘Register’ link mentioned in the Section 3 below should be assigned the ‘customers’ role.

Moreover, source code should be added to the Pages/Shared/_Layout.cshtml file such that, after logging in, administrators and customers only see links that they should have access to in the navigation bar. (see the details in the Section 3 below)

3 Navigation and layout

All pages in your website should share a consistent layout, which has a navigation bar in the top.

This should be achieved by using _Layout.cshtml and Bootstrap. The links contained in the navigation bar should be dynamic. The detailed requirements are as follows:

• The links for non-logged-in users should include the following: Home, Register, and Login. Note that the Login link here is used by both customers and administrators. You should have source code to your project to determine the role of a logged-in user after he/she logs in.

• The links for logged-in customers should include the following: Home, My Details, Search Rooms, Book A Room, My Bookings and Logout.

• The links for logged-in administrators should include the following: Home, Manage Bookings, Statistics and Logout.

Note: How to make the links dynamic are discussed in Lecture 9. You can start with include all the links in the navigation bar, and make them dynamic after Lecture 9.

4 Home page

The Home link in the navigation bar leads to this page, which should display:

• A carousel below the navigation bar. This carousel should rotate four pictures about the Goma Hotel. The pictures can be about buildings, rooms, dining, etc. and can be downloaded from Internet and then modified. When searching images on the Internet, you should use royalty-free image websites such as Pixabay (www.pixabay.com) and Unsplash (www.unsplash.com) to avoid copyright issues. Each picture needs to have a caption when being displayed by the carousel.

• Two columns below the carousel. The left column should display a welcome message and a brief introduction to the hotel. The right column should display a list of useful links for the mid north coast area (e.g., a link to Coffs Harbor weather, a link to Grafton City Council, etc.). The two columns should stack up when the viewport width is less than 768px (consider the proper column class to use in Bootstrap).

5 Models

This website should use the following three Model classes. Each class has certain properties. The requirements on these properties are also described below. You should apply appropriate data types and data annotations to fulfil these requirements.

You should fully create these Model classes first, and then scaffold them one by one, and then migrate them to database together. You are suggested to do these by following our Lecture 8.

NB: During scaffolding, you should choose the ApplicationDbContext used by Identity as the DbContext (i.e., select the database used by Identity). During migration, in case you see the complaint that SQLite does not support certain operation, you should comment out the migration code in the Up() and Down() methods related to that operation. These two methods can be found in the .cs file under the ‘Migrations’ folder.

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  • Uploaded By : Brett

  • Posted on : December 17th, 2019

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Reference no: EM132069492

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