Do you think pediatric bipolar disorder is over-diagnosed?

Alternative Final Paper Assignment

If you choose not to take the final examination this fall (2021), you have the option of writing a paper on one of the following 4 topics, which is . You need not address all questions listed under each topic, but you should use these questions as a starting point to explore the topic in significant detail. Papers must be 7 9 pages in length, double spaced, 12-point font, 1 margins, and include at least 7 references (written in APA style), at least five of which must be from peer reviewed academic journals.

1. The Pediatric Bipolar Controversy
In recent years, the diagnosis of pediatric bipolar disorder has grown immensely. What are the likely reasons for this growth? What is the impact of diagnosing more pre-pubertal children with bipolar disorder, for the affected individuals, their families, and society? Are the hallmark DSM-5 symptoms of bipolar disorder applicable to children? What does it mean to take a developmental perspective to the diagnosis of pediatric bipolar disorder? Do you think pediatric bipolar disorder is over-diagnosed? Why? What are the major findings of the COBY (Course and Outcome of Bipolar Youth) study? How does the DSM-5s Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder diagnosis attempt to address the pediatric bipolar disorder controversy? What changes are we likely to see over time with this new DSM-5 diagnosis?

2. The Confusion over Aspergers Syndrome
We spoke in class about the differences between Aspergers Syndrome and Autistic Disorder. How was the DSM-IV faulty when it came to the diagnosis of Aspergers Syndrome? Do you think Aspergers should have been kept in the DSM-5 on the same spectrum as ASD? Why? Will the changes in the DSM-5 likely improve or worsen our ability to help people who are currently diagnosed with an ASD? Why? How do you imagine the DSM-5 could best serve people with an autism spectrum disorder while remaining true to the current state of our scientific knowledge? Is the DSM a wholly scientific treatise? Why?

3. Cultural Variation in Psychiatric Diagnosis
We have not spoken much about cultural diversity in our class and how different cultures may differentially interpret what we call psychiatric disorders. Identify at least two conditions that occur in other cultures and countries (that are not generally observed in North America) that the DSM would likely pathologize as psychotic or otherwise but that would be considered normal or at least not uncommon and problematic in these countries. Do you think these conditions belong in the DSM? Likewise, identify at least two DSM-5 disorders that could be interpreted as normal in other cultures. What are the pros and cons of identifying of labeling these disorders as we do in the DSM?

4. Eating Disorder, Unspecified
In our unit on Eating Disorders (ED), we spoke primarily about Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. While these are the primary ED, some individuals will meet criteria for an atypical ED (e.g., OSFED). How impairing can these disorders be? For example, someone who is a healthy weight or overweight may engage in typical AN behaviors, such as restricting or over exercising, and might demonstrate an intense fear of fat or gaining weight, in addition to a disturbance in how they view their bodies. However, since they dont achieve a severely low body weight, per DSM-5 criteria they do not meet criteria for AN (but rather for an unspecified ED). What are your thoughts about the diagnosis of AN in this case? Should it be applied to these individuals? What about Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)? How should that be considered?


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Reference no: EM132069492

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