“Explain how there’s no training in a dictionary use in the classrooms,” which is something my classmates and I agreed on that we never had training in using a dictionary in our BA program.

Hello, so I paid a writer to write my paper, and there was a miscommunication between the writer and me.
The writer managed to write 1000 words as a draft; however, It’s a 3400 words project with 40 marks final project.
All I need from you is to complete his work and revise the job based on the notes I will give you below.

The topic of my paper is Lexicography: The role of Dictionaries in Saudi EFL Classroom.
1/ The previous writer wrote 1000 words that my teacher gave feedback on. I attached it in files with the title ” Lexicography- The role of Dictionaries in Saudi EFL Classroom.- Arwa Alrowaidan (1).pdf

2/ she also gave me notes in the zoom meeting
Some of my teacher’s comments in the zoom meeting we had ( sorry if it’s not clear)
-She advised me to focus on “operationalizablity ( a word she used ) /Functionality of the dictionary in the classroom
– training
– providing a resources
– what kind of dictionary to use for what
“Explain how there’s no training in a dictionary use in the classrooms,” which is something my classmates and I agreed on that we never had training in using a dictionary in our BA program
– also, she advised me to include two research in the corpus methods
because it is similar. In a sense, it needs training and provided in the lab ( sorry, the sentence is not clear something about lab). It’s a way of accessing the E.dictionary as well.
There all have the same level in lab and computers, the same playing field level in terms of learning tools.

3/ I also attached Final Project Guide by my teacher for you to use
Please please ask me questions and give me


  • Compare and contrast the concepts of realism and idealism in American foreign policy making.
  • Write an essay explaining the view defended by John Harris in The Survival Lottery.
  • Is it possible to do something that violates someones rights even if he or she consents to it?
  • “Explain how there’s no training in a dictionary use in the classrooms,” which is something my classmates and I agreed on that we never had training in using a dictionary in our BA program.
  • Discuss about a Digital Transformation and its impact on the HR practices.
  • Discuss and analyze techniques available for Automatic translation from one process model to other.
  • Do you think pediatric bipolar disorder is over-diagnosed?
  • Write a short paper on the problems encountered in fires involving new construction as opposed to older / legacy construction methods and contents.
  • Explain why Police escalate any situation instead of deescalate when dealing with minorities.
  • Discuss how Marcia Brenner Associates understand how your skills and experience meet their requirements.
Reference no: EM132069492

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