Explain the termination of pregnancy ( abortion ) considered in moral terms?

Among the topics covered in Part Two of our course, which cover various topics in applied ethics, please select one you would like to write about. Let me know what your topic is (please send me a message through Canvas). I would like to make sure that your topic is not so narrow that you would not have much to say about it nor so broad as to be overwhelming. Once I approve your topic, please review all our class readings about it. Now you are ready to write!

Your paper should show that you can think critically about an important issue in applied ethics. At a minimum, the paper should contain:

A clear statement of the question or issue you are going to examine
A clear statement of your position
A defense of your position with good arguments and well-motivated considerations
An analysis of positions different from yours, together with a statement of why, in your opinion, they are not satisfactory
Pertinent references to our class readings, indicating that you have reflected on them and can incorporate them into your discussion
The paper should be 1,500 to 2,000 words in length (this roughly equals five to seven double-spaced typewritten pages).

This is not a research paper, but a paper through which you show that you have used our readings and class discussion to arrive at your own position on a certain issue in applied ethics. So you should not use any sources besides our textbook. In particular, you should NOT use the Internet. For the most part, the Internet is not a reliable and accurate source of information, and it is not wise of students to make extensive use of it. Use BOOK SOURCES!!!!! NO PLAGARISIM WHAT SO EVER. Use book Ethics Theory and Contemporary Issues by Barbara Mackinnon and Andrew Fiala.
the link above is to the book if it does not work contact me and I can send it another way. Abortion ch starts on pg 231. Must have in texts citations.


  • Discuss the concepts of Mean, Median, Mode, and Standard Deviation, including when each should be used, and evaluate the differences of each.
  • Create and discuss your own scenario for an opera based on Goethe’s Faust.
  • Write a paper (letter of intent/motivation) about why I really want to apply for the army and obtain a scholarship for dental school.
  • Explain the termination of pregnancy ( abortion ) considered in moral terms?
  • The effects of ethnocentrism – stereotyping and unconscious bias and the implications for managers and employees
  • Impact of Corporate Governance on firm performance during COVID-19 pandemic” or as a question “Is it worthwile to have impact of Corporate Governance & Transparency on firm performance during COVID-19 pandemic?”
  • Effects and safety of exercise training during the acute phase of moderate COVID-19
  • Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Modules readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.
  • Demonstrate effective oral communication skills:
  • Review the Resources and identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry.
Reference no: EM132069492

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