Write a sample letter to an elected official to demonstrate your viewpoints/testimony.

I’ve attached sample letter.

The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to explore and become more educated about who your elected officials are. You can choose to use Nebraska, your home state, or country for this assignment. If you are using your home country, you will need to explain the governmental system and provide the below information as close as possible to that system.

Your Local City Council Member
What is their district?
Name of your state senator/representative
What is their district?
What committees are they on?
What term are they in?
Who is your representative in the U.S. House of Representatives?
What is their district
What committees are they on?
What term are they in?
Who is your representative in the U.S Senate?
What committees are they on?
What term are they in?
After identifying your elected officials, you are responsible for finding a local, state, federal, or global legislative bill that is being proposed and or debated

Include a summary/description of the bill. Who introduced it? When/is there a public hearing scheduled? Do you plan to attend or has the date already passed? A face-to-face meeting with an elected representative provides the opportunity to introduce yourself as a future trusted contact for a government staffer to call upon for testimony on the topic.
State your position (opponent/proponent ) and your talking points on your position. How would you testify?
Write a sample letter to an elected official to demonstrate your viewpoints/testimony.


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Reference no: EM132069492

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