Ben’s Relationship Case Study – Management Assignment Help

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Assignment Task

Refer to case study A and write a statement of constructive feedback which could be given to Sarah in recognition of her positive contribution and potential for advancement at the Wildspace Digital Design company. (find the attached case study)

Refer to case study B about Ben’s relationship with his colleagues at the Purple Platypus clothing company. Write a statement which could be used for the purpose of addressing Ben’s performance, detailing relevant observations and facts. Make a recommendation for the improvement of the workplace relationship. (find the attached case study)

Write a description of the process that may be followed for the purpose of addressing your own under performance in the workplace (no more than 500 words). Include details of how such underperformance may be identified and the steps that could be taken for improvement.

Refer to case study C, regarding Sam’s poor performance at Evolution Marketing. Write an overview of the process that you would follow in order to successfully address the highlighted performance issues. (find the attached case study)

Refer to case study B, regarding the customer service training undertaken by Tom and Julie of the Classic Cappuccino coffee bar. Identify eight ways in which these staff members may be encouraged and supported in the application of their new skills and knowledge within the workplace.(find the attached case study)

Refer to case study E, about James and his difficulties working in the supervisory role for the Wacky Wombat entertainment company. Imagine that James comes to you for advice regarding changes and improvements that could be made in his role. Write a short summary of the advice that you would give (no more than 400 words). (find the attached case study)

Imagine that you have a human resources officer who has been working for your organisation for three years. They have impressed you with their ability to perform functions such as liaison with staff in policy areas, recruitment of new employees, and preparation of staff handbooks. The positive work carried out by the human resources officer prompts you to consider the delegation of increased autonomy and authority.

Write an overview of the process that you would follow and aspects that you would take into consideration for the effective delegation of autonomy to the human resources officer. Now do the same for the delegation of authority.

Imagine that your organisation has recently hired a new employee to work in the customer call centre. The employee has demonstrated the ability to communicate effectively and has resolved a number of customer issues. The decision has been made to increase the employee’s range of responsibilities to communication with suppliers and maintenance of the organisational database. However, the need for mentoring has been identified.

Outline the ways in which you would mentor the new employee, providing details of aspects that should be taken into consideration and processes that should be followed.

Write a summary of the process of work allocation, including details of associated principles and functions.

Answer the below activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.

Organise a meeting including at least three employees of your organisation and conduct a review of the following forms of legislation, regulations, policies, procedures and guidelines:

State/Territory and Commonwealth legislation and regulations such as:

public sector management acts

financial management acts

privacy legislation

workplace health and safety legislation

consumer legislation

Risk management guidelines

Fraud control standards

Organisational policy, procedures and protocols.

Collaborate and use team problem-solving methods for the purpose of making changes and ensuring the appropriate implementation of the specified forms of legislation, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines within the context of your organisation.

Documentary reports should be compiled regarding the decisions and actions taken.

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  • Uploaded By : Brett

  • Posted on : December 23rd, 2019

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Reference no: EM132069492

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