Concept of Immunotherapy in Any Disease

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Assignment Task

Describe an experiment to show the concept of Immunotherapy in any disease of your choice.

Note that I will have to approve your topic before you start writing. Send me two or three sentences describing your experimental plan. Your paper should be divided into sections:

Introduction: Discuss the broad impact of the disease.

Rationale and Hypothesis: What is the scientific basis for this experiment and what is your hypothesis?

Aims and Methodology: Clearly state the aim of each experimental goal and the methods you intend to use to achieve the goal. Clearly state the parameters you are measuring. The animal samples you are collecting for analysis. You should describe 2-3 experimental aims.

Expected outcome and conclusion: Clearly state what you expect the results to be and what you will conclude from that.

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  • Uploaded By : Brett

  • Posted on : December 23rd, 2019

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Reference no: EM132069492

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