Parenteral Nutrition Order – Medical Science Assignment Help

Assignment Task

A physician orders an IV solution to run 120 mL/hr. The hospital is using an IV administration set that has a drop factor of 15 drops/mL. Which of the following flow rates would be the correct flow rate?

30 drops/min

20 drops/min

40 drops/min

12 drops/min

2, A physician order states 1.5 g of cloxacillin in D5W, 1000 mL q12h. What would be the rate of drug infusion?

150 mg/hr

125 mg/hr

120 mg/hr

100 mg/hr

3, A physician order states that 120 millimoles (mmol) of sodium as sodium chloride in 1000 mL of D5W to be infused at a rate of 12 mmol/hr. What would be the rate of infusion (i.e., rounded) in drops per minute when using an administration set with a drop factor of 15 drops/mL?

12 drops/min

25 drops/min

15 drops/min

24 drops/min

4, A physician in the emergency department prescribes an IV medication order for dopamine 5 mcg/kg/min for a 60-kg male patient with myocardial infarction. The pharmacy has a premixed solution of 200 mg of dopamine in 250 mL of D5W. The emergency department nurse will use an administration set with a drop factor of 10 drops/mL. What would be the flow rate of the drug solution (in mL/min and drops/min)?

~0.5 mL/min or 5 drops/min

~0.6 mL/min or 6 drops/min

~0.2 mL/min or 2 drops/min

~0.4 mL/min or 4 drops/min

5, Which of the following descriptions is not true about a drop orifice of an IV administration set?

Delivers same drop size of fluid irrespective of IV administration set

Opens into the drip chamber of an IV administration set

Important in establishing drip rate of infusion

Reflected as a drop factor on the package label of the IV administration set

6, A physician in the emergency department prescribes an IV medication order for dopamine 5 mcg/kg/min for a 60-kg male patient with myocardial infarction. The pharmacy has a premixed solution of 200 mg of dopamine in 250 mL of D5W. The emergency department nurse will use an administration set with a drop factor of 10 drops/mL. What would be the flow rate of the drug solution (in mL/min and drops/min)?

~0.5 mL/min or 5 drops/min

~0.6 mL/min or 6 drops/min

~0.2 mL/min or 2 drops/min

~0.4 mL/min or 4 drops/min

7, How many calories are provided by a parenteral nutrition solution of 1000 mL volume containing 3% amino acids, 17?xtrose, and 5% lipid?






(Napra 3.1)

8, Parenteral Admixture Order Exercise

The following parenteral nutrition orders are to be infused over 12 hours using an electronic pump.

Parenteral Nutrition Order 1

Amino acids 8.5A1 mL

Dextrose 50@0 mL

Lipids 10%0 mL

Sterile water for injection 305 mL

Sodium chloride 4 mEq/mL 30 mEqSodium phosphate 3 mmol/mL 27 mmol

Calcium gluconate 0.465 mEq/mL 4.65 mEqInsulin, Regular 100 U/mL 35 units

Multivitamin injection – 12 10 mL

Trace elements – 5 1 mL

What is the total volume for this order? (Napra 3.1)

How many grams of amino acids does this order provide? (Napra 3.1)

What is the percent dextrose in this order? (Napra 3.1)

How many millimoles of calcium does this order provide? (Napra 3.1)

How many milliequivalents of phosphate does this order provide? (Napra 3.1)

9, Parenteral Nutrition Order 2

Amino acids 15V3 mL

Dextrose 70E7 mL

Sterile water for injection 267 mL

Sodium acetate 2 mEq/mL 14 mEqPotassium chloride 2 mEq/mL 10 mEqMagnesium sulphate 50% 4.0 mEq/mL 8 mEqCalcium gluconate 0.465 mEq/mL 4 mEqPotassium phosphate 4.4 mEq/mL 9 mEqTrace elements – 5 1 mL

Multivitamin injection – 1 10 mL

What is the total volume of this TPN order? (Napra 3.1)

What is the ?xtrose in the finished parenteral nutrition admixture? (Napra 3.1)

What is the number of millimoles of phosphate in the admixture? (Napra 3.1)

How should this admixture be administered? Why? (Napra 6.1, 6.2, 9.2)

If the solution is administered at 110 mL per hour how long would it take to infuse this solution? (Napra 3.1)

10, A child is 24 inches tall and weighs 35 lb. What would be the child’s body surface area? Round the answer to the nearest hundredth.

0.42 m2

0.55 m2

0.60 m2

0.52 m2

0.62 m2

11, A teenager weighs 40 kg and is 140 cm tall. What would be the estimated body surface area using the nomogram in Figure 7.26?

1.4 m2

1.3 m2

1.2 m2

1.5 m2

12, The recommended dosage of a cytotoxic drug is 20 mg/m2/day. The doctor prescribed a dose of 30 mg/m2 once a day for 3 days.

What would be the number of milligrams the patient will be receiving per day?

Based on the recommended dose, is this a safe dose for the patient who is 160 cm tall and weighs 60 kg?

13, A doctor prescribed carboplatin 250 mg/m2 to be administered IV in 500 mL of Normal Saline (NS) over four hours. The patient was 5’8’’ tall and weighed 145 lb. Carboplatin is available as 10 mg/mL in a 45-mL vial. No overfill from the 500-mL PVC bag of NS. What is the dose of carboplatin in milligrams this patient is going to receive? Calculate to the nearest tenth.

600.5 mg

500.5 mg

617.5 mg

443.7 mg

620.5 mg

14, With reference to question 17, how much carboplatin liquid solution would you need to deliver the drug dose?

43.4 mL

44.4 mL

45.4 mL

43.5 mL

15, With reference to question 17, what is the concentration of carboplatin in mg/mL in the NS admixture?

0.5 mg/mL

0.7 mg/mL

0.8 mg/mL

0.6 mg/mL

16, What is the amount of sodium chloride 0.9%w/v solution to make the following ophthalmic preparation isotonic?

Ephedrine sulphate 1%

Sodium chloride 0.9%w/v solution qs to make preparation isotonic

Sterile Water qs ad 30 mL sodium chloride equivalent for ephedrine sulphate is 0.2





17, What is the amount of sodium chloride salt in milligrams to be added to the following ophthalmic preparation to make it isotonic?

Naphazoline hydrochloride 1%

Sodium chloride salt qs to make solution isotonic

Sterile water qs ad 30 mL

Sodium chloride equivalent for naphazoline is 0.27





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Reference no: EM132069492

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