PHL1253 Ethical Leadership & Critical Decision Making Management Assignment Help

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Assignment Task

1. Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this assignment, students will be able to

1. Identify important key values and analyze ethical mindfulness in everyday life (professional, academic, and personal).

2. Demonstrate the Socratic rule: “know thyself” and cultivation of key values. [We must choose a good life for ourselves (having ethical values) through self-reflection and self-awareness.]

3. Discuss ethical mindfulness in everyday life

4. Discuss confronting your own moral dragons

5. Recognize cultural integrity and human rights


2. The Task

The students will select a topic of their choice that will resonate with them, and is meaningful to them on a personal level. Prepare a self-study analysis that takes into account one of more of the ethical theories and concepts that have been learned in class and apply with academic analysis to a personal, business, or academic situation that affects you. Your writing will be in the first person (a self-reflection and self-analysis). Your reflections should resonate with your life (i.e. be meaningful to you on a personal level).

A. Planning

i) Ensure that you are clear about the instructions and expectations for the assignment.

ii) Ensure you understand the concepts focused by the assignment (and provided in the course materials).

iii) Before you start composing your assignment, you may want to prepare an outline mapping out all the information you collected and how it fits in the assignment topics (and structure) you must cover.

B. Pacing the work

i) Estimate how much time you plan to allocate to planning, drafting, and revising your assignment.

ii) In the planning phase, you may want to have a time interval between collecting and triaging information. This will ensure you will not rush in using information that may not be useful, or using it solely due to time constraints as opposed to the worth of its content.

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  • Uploaded By : Roman

  • Posted on : December 23rd, 2021

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Reference no: EM132069492

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