Area of Focus Statement: My focus is on losing weight and coming up with a healthier lifestyle through an exercise and diet plan.
Brief Description Intervention: My intervention is to ensure I return to a healthy weight that would improve my work and personal activities and to improve my muscle pain through exercises. This intervention will look at the effect on my family as well. Maintaining a healthy weight impacts physical and mental wellness as sand studying different patterns and behaviors can create awareness of oneself.
What data collection tools will you use to measure the impact of your research question(s)? How will these three (3) data collection tools help you get at the effectiveness of your intervention?
- 3 instruments TOTAL using mixed methods (quantitative/qualitative) are needed, not 3 per question.
Questions Data Collection Tool Why this tool? Justify its use in
your study. How does it match to what you are attempting to find and to measure? 1. What is the difference in weight when tracking my exercise and watching what I eat is applied over one month? 1
Weight watchers 2
research 3 These tools will help me find the information I need, while providing tips and my information on food and exercise will be recorded. It will match my findings and measure by giving me detailed information and by keeping me on track with my goals. 2. What is the difference in physical activity when including my older children and husband in physical activities over a two-week time? Fitbit tracker Personal journal
I will see different patterns activity levels. Keeping a journal will help me keep up with what activity I did and how it affects my overall wellness for the day. I am exploring my options here. 3. What is the perspective of the family regarding exercise routines and food lifestyle? Verbal questioner
I am getting my family opinions on different foods and on the activities, we do as a family. This match because I can see what indoor and outdoor activities help me burn the most calories.
2. Discuss how using a mixed-methods data collection approach will lead you to understand and explain more fully what is discovered during the research, as opposed to using one approach over the other? When using the mixed methods data collection approach, I can get detailed information about my topic and apply what I find to my action research plan. Using different tools help me understand different results on what might and might not work and a better understanding of myself.
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