a) Identify and discuss 2 financial products that may be used by the financial participants in the scenario of your news story. b) Classify whether the financial product is a financial asset, financial instrument and/or financial security. Justify your answer. c) Analyse whether the financial product falls under equity, debt or derivatives. Discuss your answer. 4 Financial Re

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Trimester T3 2021
Unit Code HA1022
Unit Title Principles of Financial Management
Assessment Type Group Assignment
Assessment Title Analysis of the Australian Financial System
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO
Mapping) To complete this assessment, students are required to:
ULO 1 Explain the institutional framework of the Australian Financial System;
ULO 2 Discuss the specific roles of Commercial Banks and NBFIs (Non-Bank Financial Institutions) in the Australian Financial System.
ULO 3 Discuss the Equity Market, the instruments available and their uses;
ULO 4 Discuss the Short- and Long-Term Debt Markets, the instruments available and their uses;
ULO 7 Perform calculations to value securities traded in the financial markets.
Weight 40 % of the total assessments
Total Marks 40
Word limit Not more than 3000 words
Due Date Week 9 – 5pm Friday, 28 Jan 2022
Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.
• The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers.
• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style.
• Submitted work should be your original work showing your creativity. Please ensure the self-check for plagiarism to be done before final submission in accordance with SafeAssign Student Guide in Black Board. As a guide, a similarity score of over 20% is considered as excessive except in the cases where the similarity is caused by the use of template provided by the lecturer, references or sources of data. Please note that it can take 48 hours for the self-check report to be available for your viewing.
• You are required to submit the assignment at Group Assignment Final Submission, which is under Assignment and Due Dates on Black Board. Always keep an electronic copy until you have received the final grade for the Unit. Please make sure that you submit the correct file. Any appeal relating to submitting wrong files after the deadline will not be considered.
HA1022 Principles of Financial Management – T3 2021
Academic Integrity
Holmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding Academic Integrity, as Academic Integrity is integral to maintaining academic quality and the reputation of Holmes’ graduates. Accordingly, all assessment tasks need to comply with academic integrity guidelines. Table 1 identifies the six categories of Academic Integrity breaches. If you have any questions about Academic Integrity issues related to your assessment tasks, please consult your lecturer or tutor for relevant referencing guidelines and support resources. Many of these resources can also be found through the Study Sills link on Blackboard.
Academic Integrity breaches are a serious offence punishable by penalties that may range from deduction of marks, failure of the assessment task or unit involved, suspension of course enrolment, or cancellation of course enrolment.
Table 1: Six categories of Academic Integrity breaches
Plagiarism Reproducing the work of someone else without attribution. When a student submits their own work on multiple occasions this is known as self-plagiarism.
Collusion Working with one or more other individuals to complete an assignment, in a way that is not authorised.
Copying Reproducing and submitting the work of another student, with or without their knowledge. If a student fails to take reasonable precautions to prevent their own original work from being copied, this may also be considered an offence.
Impersonation Falsely presenting oneself, or engaging someone else to present as oneself, in an in-person examination.
Contract cheating Contracting a third party to complete an assessment task, generally in exchange for money or other manner of payment.
Data fabrication and falsification Manipulating or inventing data with the intent of supporting false conclusions, including manipulating images.
Source: INQAAHE, 2020
Assessment Design – Adapted Harvard Referencing
Holmes will be implementing as a pilot program a revised Harvard approach to referencing. The following guidelines apply:
1. Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources which provide full text access to the source’s content for lecturers and markers.
2. The Reference list should be located on a separate page at the end of the essay and titled: References.
3. It should include the details of all the in-text citations, arranged alphabetically A-Z by author surname. In addition, it MUST include a hyperlink to the full text of the cited reference source.
For example;
Hawking, P., McCarthy, B. and Stein, A. 2004. Second Wave ERP Education, Journal of
Information Systems Education, Fall, http://jise.org/Volume15/n3/JISEv15n3p327.pdf
4. All assignments will require additional in-text reference details which will consist of the surname of the author/authors or name of the authoring body, year of publication, page number of content, paragraph where the content can be found.
For example;
“The company decided to implement a enterprise wide data warehouse business intelligence strategies (Hawking et al, 2004, p3(4)).”
Non Adherence to Referencing Guidelines
Where students do not follow the above guidelines:
1. Students who submit assignments which do not comply with the guidelines will receive a 10% penalty.
2. Late penalties will apply, as per the Student Handbook each day, after the student/s have been notified of the resubmission requirements.
3. Students who comply with guidelines and the citations are “fake” will be reported for academic misconduct.
Assignment Specifications
Assignment Tasks
The assignment task is a written report and analysis of your chosen financial institution and the financial environment. You will be required to apply the financial concepts you have learned in class to your chosen industry and company.
Task 1: Students are to form groups with maximum 4 members. Self-enrol in the same assignment group on Blackboard Groups.
Task 2: Open the Finance and Business section of an Australian newspaper (paper or online version). As a group, choose and agree to analyse one news story. The first come, first served rule will apply. No two groups can use the same story for the assignment. You can only choose a news story from 01 Jun 2021 until current date.
Task 3: Register your news story by sending an email KVega@Holmes.edu.au Your email should state:
a. HA1022 Group Assignment by Group Number XXX
b. Name, Student ID of all group members
c. News Story Title
d. Date Published and Author/Writer
A response will be sent. It will indicate, APPROVED or NOT APPROVED.
Do not start your work unless you have the email response. A deduction of 30% will be applied if you submit your work without pre-approval. Ensure that a full printed copy of your article is saved as part of the Appendix of your paper. Deduction of 5% will be applied if the printed copy is not provided.
Task 4: Perform an analysis based on the guide questions outlined below.
Assignment Structure should be as the following:
Requirement/s and Guide Questions
1 Industry Description (4 marks, up to 300 words)
a) What is the significance of your news story to the workings of the financial market? What made you choose this news story as a group?
b) Select and discuss the industry where the topic of your news story belongs.
Characterize the size of the industry and the level of competition.
2 Financial Participants (10 marks, up to 500 words)
a) Identify 2 financial institutions that participate in this industry from your news story.
b) Analyse the role of each financial institution. How do these institutions facilitate cashflow?
c) Point out the source of funds for each financial institution.
d) Itemize the possible use of funds for each financial institution.
3 Financial Product Analysis (12 marks, up to 700 words)
a) Identify and discuss 2 financial products that may be used by the financial participants in the scenario of your news story.
b) Classify whether the financial product is a financial asset, financial instrument and/or financial security. Justify your answer.
c) Analyse whether the financial product falls under equity, debt or derivatives. Discuss your answer.
4 Financial Regulation (8 marks, up to 1000 words)
a) Identify the regulator/s of the industry. Comment on the extent of the regulator’s power to ensure compliance within the industry.
b) Are there any industry groups that help regulate behaviour aside from regulators?
c) How do the financial players (borrowers, investors, financial intermediaries, regulators) within your chosen industry interact with each other? Research and comment on whether the players are in a mutually beneficial relationship or in a combative relationship.
d) Does the industry require government intervention? If so, identify the cause of the need for government to step in. What actions have regulators taken to ensure ethical behaviour within the industry? Hint: Look at the financial news for the last 3 years regarding the industry. Do some research and check if there have been recent incidents of fraud, misbehavior among the participants and/or penalties levied.
5 Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations (4 marks, up to 500 words)
Based on a summary of your findings, conclude whether the financial market for your chosen industry is healthy. What further recommendations from regulators and industry experts can be applied to sustain the health and development of the industry? Do you agree with these recommendations? State why or why not.
6 Presentation of Paper (including Assignment Cover Page and Reference List) – 2 marks and not included in word count
Marking criteria
Marking criteria Weighting
Industry Description 4
Financial Participants (5 marks each x 2) 10
Financial Product Analysis (6 marks each x 2) 12
Financial Regulation 8
Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations 4
Presentation of Paper (including references) 2
TOTAL Weight 40
Assessment Feedback to the Student:
Marking Rubric
(85% – full marks given) Very Good (80%) Good (65%) Satisfactory (50%) Unsatisfactory (0%)
Description (4%)
Excellent = 4
Very Good = 3.5
Good = 3
Satisfactory = 2
Unsatisfactory = 0 – 1
Identification of the players within the industry, the level of competition, the regulators of the industry and how they interact with each other. Identification of the players within the industry, the level of competition, and the regulators of the industry. Identification of the players within the industry and the level of competition. Identification of the players within the industry. No introduction or description of the industry.
Participants 1
Excellent = 5
Very Good = 4.5
Good = 3.5
Satisfactory = 3
Unsatisfactory = 0 – 2 Financial institution defined, described adequately and discussed within the context of the news story, roles classified as required by the guide questions and covers the significance of the services rendered within the financial market. Financial institution defined, described adequately and discussed within the context of the news story and roles classified as required by the guide questions. Financial institution defined, described adequately and discussed within the context of the news story. Financial institution clearly identified Unclear discussion of financial institution
Participants 2
Financial institution defined, described adequately and discussed within the context of the news story, roles classified as required by the Financial institution defined, described adequately and discussed within the context of the news story and roles Financial institution defined, described adequately and discussed within the Financial institution clearly identified Unclear discussion of financial institution
HA1022 Principles of Financial Management – T3 2021
Page 7 of 8
Excellent = 5
Very Good = 4.5
Good = 3.5
Satisfactory = 3
Unsatisfactory = 0 – 2 guide questions and covers the significance of the services rendered within the financial market. classified as required by the guide questions. context of the news story.
Financial Product
Analysis 1 (6%)
Excellent = 6
Very Good = 5.5
Good = 4.5
Satisfactory = 3.5
Unsatisfactory = 0 – 3
Financial product defined, described adequately and discussed within the context of the news story, classified as required by the guide questions and covers the significance of the product to the financial market. Financial product defined, described adequately and discussed within the context of the news story and classified as required by the guide questions. Financial product defined, described adequately and discussed within the context of the news story. Financial product defined and described adequately. Financial products not identified.
Financial Product
Analysis 2 (6%)
Excellent = 6
Very Good = 5.5
Good = 4.5
Satisfactory = 3.5
Unsatisfactory = 0 – 3 Financial product defined, described adequately and discussed within the context of the news story, classified as required by the guide questions and covers the significance of the product to the financial market. Financial product defined, described adequately and discussed within the context of the news story and classified as required by the guide questions. Financial product defined, described adequately and discussed within the context of the news story. Financial product defined and described adequately. Financial products not identified.
Regulation (8%)
Excellent = 8
Very Good = 7.5 Good = 6.5
Satisfactory = 5.25
Unsatisfactory = 0 – 4 Identified the regulators and discussed their role, discussed their role, covered the interactions among players in the industry, researched on recent actions to regulate unwanted behaviour in the financial industry and connected it with the significance of the news story selected for analysis. Identified the regulators and discussed their role, discussed their role, covered the interactions among players in the industry and researched on recent actions to regulate unwanted behaviour in the financial industry. Identified the regulators, discussed their role and covered the interactions among players in the industry. Identified the regulators and discussed their role Unable to identify correct regulators
HA1022 Principles of Financial Management Group Assignment T3 2021
Page 8 of 8
Conclusion and Recommendatio
ns (4%)
Excellent = 4
Very Good = 3.5
Good = 3
Satisfactory = 2
Unsatisfactory = 0 – 1 Presenting a wide range of adequate recommendations that exemplarily supported
by justification and analysis;
Using data and information derived from financial analysis completed in an efficient, analytical and logical manner.
Presenting very good recommendations that properly supported by
justification and analysis;
Data and information derived from financial analysis completed are properly used to support the recommendations Presenting adequate recommendations that properly supported by justification and research;
Data and information derived from financial analysis completed are properly used to support the recommendations Demonstrating limited
justification and analysis of the given recommendations; Providing no recommendations or inadequate recommendations for financial institutions;
No relevant justification using data and information derived from the analysis of financial statements;
Presentation of Paper – including references
Excellent = 2
Very Good = 1.75
Good = 1.5
Satisfactory = 1
Unsatisfactory = 0 – 0.5
Demonstrated a high level of understanding and skills of
academic writing by means of criticism, logical argument, and interpretation of data and information.
Assignment Cover Page and Reference List provided and can be traced to in text citation. Reference list is appropriate for the research. Very rational demonstration of the ability to present the ideas in proper analytical
and contextual level
Assignment Cover Page and Reference List provided and can be traced to in text citation. Reference list is appropriate for the research. Demonstrating the ability to present the ideas in proper analytical and contextual level
Assignment Cover Page and Reference List provided and can be traced to in text citation. Demonstrating limited skills of academic writing in terms of structure, presentation,
wordings and referencing
Assignment Cover Page and
Reference List provided Failing to meet the requirements of academic writing in terms of structure, presentation, wordings and referencing.
No Assignment Cover Page and Reference List
HA1022 Principles of Financial Management Group Assignment T3 2021

The post a) Identify and discuss 2 financial products that may be used by the financial participants in the scenario of your news story. b) Classify whether the financial product is a financial asset, financial instrument and/or financial security. Justify your answer. c) Analyse whether the financial product falls under equity, debt or derivatives. Discuss your answer. 4 Financial Re appeared first on My Academic Papers.

Reference no: EM132069492

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