There are various federal and state employment and labor laws protecting both employees and employers. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the federal agency responsible for interpreting, investigating, and enforcing federal employment laws against workplace discrimination. For this discussion, you will look at protected classes identified by the EEOC. Protected classes are groups of people with common characteristics that are legally protected from employment discrimination.
Describe three protected classes and the laws that exist to protect them.
Explain how the EEOC investigates complaints of discrimination against a protected individual.
Discuss how employers can prevent and respond to allegations of employment discrimination.
- Describe the agency setting. Is it public or private, non-profit or for-profit?
- Write a succinct statement that outlines the problem which the proposal will address or the idea it seeks to support.
- Describe how the events in this chapter resolve the conflicts in Arthur Dimmesdale’s relationships with Hester Prynne, Pearl, and Roger Chillingworth.
- At what age is a child’s brain fully developed?
- Describe the specifics of the case and the steps the defense team took to have them freed.
- Describe three protected classes and the laws that exist to protect them.
- Write a journal reflecting on reflecting on the intersection of the material covered in that unit (the readings/videos) and your personal life or view of the world.
- Describe an everyday consumption experience that you have had in the past.
- Do you think that the action that the people involved in this case took maximized happiness in the world?
- What is the difference between economic profit and accounting profit?