please read:
Basic Requirements:
5 paragraph essay (one introduction, three MEAL body paragraphs, and one conclusion paragraph)
At least 500 words
In MLA format
In this unit, we talked about a complicated historical figure. I would like you to think about a person you have changed your mind about. This could be a person you once admired and now don’t or a person you once avoided but you now love. This could be a historical person, a celebrity, or someone from your own life. Write an essay in which you discuss how your opinion of this person has changed.
Follow this order:
Introduction: Choose a method of introduction. Give some background about the person. Provide your thesis. (Example: Uncle Ray is a person I once respected, but now find to be insensitive.)
Body Paragraph 1: Describe your attitude or lifestyle before you changed your mind. (Don’t forget you need to follow the MEAL paragraph for your body paragraphs!)
Topic sentence example: Uncle Ray used to tell me the funniest stories.
Body Paragraph 2: Tell the story that changed your mind. What was your realization?
Topic sentence example: Over time, my opinion of Uncle Ray changed.
Body Paragraph 3: Explain how you treat this person now. How have things changed?
Topic Sentence Example: Now, I rarely see Uncle Ray.
Conclusion: wrap it back up with your reworded thesis, main points, and a method of conclusion.