Question 1 A set of premises is given below (𝑝 ⟢ π‘ž) ∨ (~π‘Ÿ) (~𝑝) ∧ (π‘ž ∨ π‘Ÿ) π‘Ÿ ⟢ (~𝑝) Determine which of the following statements is a valid conclusion from the above set of premises using truth tables or by providing a logical explanation

Question 1

  • A set of premises is given below

(𝑝 ⟢ π‘ž) ∨ (~π‘Ÿ)
(~𝑝) ∧ (π‘ž ∨ π‘Ÿ)
π‘Ÿ ⟢ (~𝑝)

Determine which of the following statements is a valid conclusion from the above set of premises using truth tables or by providing a logical explanation.

(~ 𝑝) ∨ (~π‘Ÿ)
π‘ž ⟢ (𝑝 ∧ (~π‘ž))
𝑝 ⟢ (π‘ž ∧ ~π‘Ÿ)

  • Construct a chain of logical equivalences to show that

(~π‘ž ∧ π‘Ÿ) ⟢ (𝑝 ⟢ π‘ž) ≑ (~π‘ž) ⟢ (𝑝 ⟢ ~π‘Ÿ).

Do not use truth tables in this part of the question.

  • Use the Rules of Inference to prove that the following argument form is valid.

π‘ž ∨ π‘Ÿ
(𝑝 ∧ π‘ž) ⟢ s
~ s
∴ 𝑝 ⟢ π‘Ÿ

Do not use truth tables in this part of the question.

Question 2

  • Give a counter-example to show that the following statement is false.

βˆ€π‘₯ ∈ β„• βˆ€π‘¦ ∈ ℝ βˆ€π‘§ ∈ ℝ ((π‘₯2 < 𝑦2) ∨ (𝑦2 < 𝑧2)) ⟢ ((π‘₯ < 𝑦) ∨ (𝑦 < 𝑧))

  • Provide the negation of the statement, giving your answer without using any logical negation symbol. Equality and inequality symbols such as =, β‰ , <, > are allowed.

βˆƒπ‘₯ ∈ β„€ βˆ€π‘¦ ∈ β„• βˆ€π‘§ ∈ β„• ((π‘₯ β‰  0) ∧ (π‘₯𝑦)𝑧 = 1) ⟢ ((𝑧 = 0) ∨ (π‘₯𝑦 = 1))

  • Let 𝐷 be the set

𝐷 = {βˆ’10, βˆ’9, βˆ’7, βˆ’6, βˆ’4, βˆ’3, βˆ’2,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,12,13,14}.

Suppose that the domain of the variable π‘₯ is 𝐷. Write down the truth set of the predicate.

((π‘₯ > 1) ⟢ (π‘₯ is even)) ⟢ (π‘₯ is divisible by 4).

  • Let 𝑃,𝑄, 𝑅, 𝑆 denote predicates. Use the Rules of Inference to prove that the following argument form is valid.

βˆ€π‘₯ (𝑃(π‘₯) ⟢ (βˆ€π‘¦ 𝑄(𝑦)))
βˆ€π‘₯ (𝑅(π‘₯) ⟢ (βˆƒπ‘¦ ~𝑄(𝑦)))
βˆƒπ‘₯ (𝑅(π‘₯) ∧ 𝑆(π‘₯))
∴ βˆ€π‘₯ ~𝑃(π‘₯

Reference no: EM132069492

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