CBB063: Explains the organization of the periodic table with reference to the atomic structure: Periodic Trends Assignment, OCN, UK

Description of Assignment: 

You need to complete the following tasks. Any material that is not your own must be cited using a recognized referencing system.

Task 1a

With the aid of diagrams explains the organization of the periodic table with reference to the atomic structure. You should:

  • Describe the basic structure of an atom.
  • Describe the relationship between the atomic structure and the position of elements in the periodic table.

Task 1b

  1. Consider the reaction of the Group 1 elements between sodium and cesium with water.
  • Describe what you will observe. You must include the reaction equations.
  • Describe the trend in reactivity of group 1 elements with water as we go down group 1.
  • What are the main reasons for the trend?
  1. Consider the reaction of Group 7 elements between chlorine and iodine with their halides.
  • Describe what you will observe. You must include the reaction equations.
  • Describe the trend in reactivity of halogens with halides as we go down or as we go up to Group 7.
  • What are the main reasons for the trend?

Task 2

  • Describe how atomic radius, first ionization energy, melting and boiling points and electrical conductivity varies across period 3.
  • What are the main reasons for these periodic trends?
  • Identify the element that deviates from the general trends and explain your answer.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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