Answer this prompt for your paper:
Imperialism is the rule of one society by another. This sounds simple enough – it sounds like a military and/or political concept, and in fact, imperialism is often expressed in this fashion. However, historians often talk about imperialism in far more diverse terms; they speak of “cultural imperialism,” “economic imperialism,” and frame it in other ways, too. In this paper, I would like you to discuss the various ways that imperialism has taken shape in the modern Middle East. Using examples from at least four different countries, and at least two different centuries, explain the ways that imperialism has been manifested. How have local people been impacted by imperialism? What were the tools of imperialism in these cases? In what ways have people suffered from, benefited from, and been changed by imperialism? What is your historical assessment of the imperialist enterprises about which you have chosen to write? In your paper, you must use evidence from at least two of the assigned books, at least one of the assigned films, as well as relevant information from the PPT files, films, and class discussions, to support your argument.
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Imperialism is the rule of one society by an appeared first on Skilled Papers.