1. should give one or two slides on how the project grew his or her skills: People, programming, design, knowledge of the available tools.(please also make a word doc for that for presentation which means how to present the slides )

Learning Goal: I’m working on a operating systems multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

I will give you my GitHub account , I have attach the file of my contributions each week ,you can take a look to know what I did


1. should give one or two slides on how the project grew his or her skills: People, programming, design, knowledge of the available tools.(please also make a word doc for that for presentation which means how to present the slides )

2.rewrite / modify the Readme, looks pro and not just like a student project.

3.explain how did the project complex

4.Provide a link to one of your commit in the project. Explain the purpose of the commit and what is being done and why it is your more interesting contribution.

5. Provide a class diagram and at least a one sequence diagram.

In a paragraph of text explain what the class diagram is representing and where in this class diagram your code contribution is involved.
In a second paragraph of test explain what the sequence diagram is representing and how your code contribution is involved in this diagram.

6..Answer at least two questions from this list (500 words minimum – in total) (word doc)

What do you think could have been done better or differently in this project.
Were my milestones and goals mostly met, and how much did I deviate from them if any?
How will I use what I’ve learned in the future?
Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced in this project, and how you dealt with it.
What could I do differently from a personal standpoint the next time I work with the same group or a different one?
How your skills and personality have contributed the team?
How can I better support and encourage my teammates on future projects?
What were some of my most powerful learning moments and what made them so?
Do you work best alone or on a team?

7..Detailled Design API. Describe details about all methods and class of the architecture. This information should be in structured comments (e.g. Javadoc) in the source files. A documentation generation tool (e.g. Javadoc) must be used to generate the document. For each class define the data fields and methods. Include:

The purpose of the class.

Reference no: EM132069492

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