Explain why it is a public affairs issue. Review a news story under your selected area of expertise and describe what impact, if any, the issue addressed in the story will have on business’s strategy with regards to public affairs. September 19, 2022/in Other, Uncategorized /by Sam Activity I -Visit the website of Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc. (ISS), a provider of corporate governance solutions, at http://www.issgovernance.com/. Go to the “Policy Gateway” tab and select a recently adopted ISS policy. Write a memo to shareholders explaining the policy and how it will affect the corporate governance of companies. Explain why ISS has adopted the proposal and whether or not you agree with the proposal. Finally, you should provide a recommendation as to how shareholders should proceed regarding the proposal. Activity II -Visit the Public Affairs

Impacts of COVID-19 on Batswana
Write an essay on positive and negative impacts of COVID-19 on Batswana and the ways in which the government mitigated the problems.

Summarize the excavations that have taken place at the site, including field seasons/dates and information about the archaeologists who have studied the site. Describe the methods used at the site and theories about the site proposed by the excavators and other archaeologists.
October 17, 2022/in Uncategorized /by Sam
Public Archaeology Project
The Public Archaeology Presentation invites you to evaluate the public archaeology outreach of a site such as an archaeological excavation that is open to the public, an outdoor museum that is hosting or has hosted archaeological excavations, a museum with archaeological collections, etc.* Using the insight you have gained in this course about important topics in archaeology such as archaeological method and theory, subsistence, cultural patterns in prehistory, and environmental interaction, evaluate the ways in which, at the site you have chosen, the knowledge gained from archaeological excavations is being used, or is not being used, to highlight and address issues in the local, regional, or global communities. For example, current issues often addressed in public archaeology include historic preservation, economic growth, environmental degradation, looting, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education, volunteer opportunities, and more. You will present your findings to your classmates in the Week 8 Public Archaeology discussion in the form of a multimedia presentation.

*For those who are not able to travel within/around their community, whether this is due to military, medical, or other reasons, see the Alternative Public Archaeology Presentation instructions at the end of this Project Description.

There are many sites that offer a chance for the public to interact with archaeology. These include, but are not limited to:

an archaeological excavation open to the public,
an archaeology museum (e.g. a museum that maintains at least some collections resulting from archaeological excavations)
an open air museum where archaeological excavations have been conducted and which are explained on site through markers/exhibits or docents/tour guides.
Any of the sites listed above are ideal for this project. If you are considering a site and are unsure whether it would be suitable for the Public Archaeology Presentation, discuss the site with your instructor. If you are having trouble locating archaeological excavations or museums in your area, check with your local Chamber of Commerce or Tourism Bureau or the Anthropology department/professor at the nearest college or university. Some small sites have limited funding and are not able to advertise extensively.


By the end of Week 5, you must submit your proposed site to your instructor. Once your instructor has approved your proposal, you may proceed with the project.
Your assignment will take the form of a multimedia presentation, such as a YouTube video, blog, PowerPoint presentation, etc. Ideally, your presentation will include audio, but if this is not possible, your presentation must include sufficient text to explain your findings and conclusions.
By Wednesday of Week 8, you will submit a short introduction and a link to your presentation in a designated discussion area AND in the Assignments Folder (this allows me to provide you with private feedback and a grade). Your presentation must be shared online, but you may choose how to do so. There are many free tools out there.
Speak and/or write professionally using standard English. If speaking, pay attention to correct grammar and enunciation. If writing, check your spelling and grammar carefully. Poor grammar, spelling, and/or enunciation may affect your grade.
Your presentation must include a written References section in proper citation format detailing the sources you used.
Initial Research

Once you have chosen a site and your instructor has approved it, conduct research using the UMGC Library databases, the internet, and other sources (nearby public libraries, local historical societies, local archaeological societies, etc.) to obtain more information about the site you have chosen. You must use and cite at least three scholarly sources in your presentation.


Your multimedia presentation should include the following sections:

1) Introduction

Introduce the site you have chosen (or the original site of the artifact collection), including such information as the region in which the site is located, the time period it belongs to, the people who lived there, and the type of site (village, city, sacramental site, shipwreck, hunting camp, etc.).

2) Method and Theory

Summarize the excavations that have taken place at the site, including field seasons/dates and information about the archaeologists who have studied the site. Note their affiliations (e.g. who do they work for?). Describe the methods used at the site (excavation, remote sensing, etc.) and theories about the site proposed by the excavators and other archaeologists.

3) Public Outreach

Discuss the insights gained through excavation. What significant artifacts (including structures and features) have been located? Were any of these artifacts, structures, or features on display, including as reconstructions either on or off site? What kinds of markers or signage described the excavations or artifacts? Were there suggestions on how to learn more?

4) Important Issues

Did the public outreach at the site relate the archaeological insights to any local, regional, or global issues? If so, discuss the issues and the ways in which archaeology is or could be applied to address the issues, as according to the public outreach of the site. If not, discuss how you think public outreach based on the archaeology of your site or the museum’s artifact collection could be used to address current issues. As described above, public archaeology focuses on many issues, such as looting and treasure hunting, the safeguarding of archaeological and historic sites for the future, archaeology tourism and other activities that boost the local economy, climate change in the past and present, volunteer opportunities and continuing education, environmental changes caused by humans (deforestation, overfishing), and educational opportunities offered through archaeological research (especially the STEM fields).

5) Conclusions

Assess the public outreach at the site or museum you chose, highlighting both the pros and cons. Offer suggestions for improvement. Discuss any ideas or approaches that you feel worked well in bringing archaeology to the public and relating archaeology to current issues in the wider world.

6) References

Provide a written list of all references used for your presentation in alphabetical order by last name of author or primary author.

Alternative Public Archaeology Project

If you are unable to visit a local site which features public archaeology outreach, whether this is due to military, medical, or other reasons, you can complete the Alternative Public Archaeology Project. Be sure to notify your instructor right away of your need to complete the Alternative project and, as above, make sure your instructor approves your project before proceeding. Failure to do so may result in a failing grade for not correctly completing the assigned project.

What were two important segments in the PBS Makers Women Who Make America 3 of 3 video that added value to your knowledge and understanding of women in politics?
October 13, 2022/in Uncategorized /by Sam

READ IN ITS ENTIRETY: Type your responses directly on this document and once you have completed it, please upload the exam to Turnitin. If you do not follow these instructions, you will receive a zero for your final exam, no exceptions.

The exam is based on our assignments for WEEKS 4, 5, and 6. Review your readings and videos. You are expected to take what we have read and watched and demonstrate your understanding by providing your responses to four (4) short essays in your words (do not just copy and paste information or you will not receive credit). Your writing should clearly illustrate that you learned the information from our materials by making the connections with particular points from the readings and videos (name the materials and exact events, people, thoughts, concepts, etc.). Review the rubric for standards for all writing assignments.

Watch passages to answer question

https://youtu.be/wMVg6hxXWnE “Viola Davis and Stacey Abrams On Black Women of Awards Season”
https://youtu.be/y3mj1yG38ig “The 2017 MAKERS Conference: Excerpt from the documentary, Makers — Women Who Make America”
https://youtu.be/-XVK2C7cKq8 “PBS Makers Women Who Make America 3of3”

INSTRUCTIONS: You are to write four (4) separate short essays (each one is worth 25 points) Each short essay must be a minimum of two (2) well-written paragraphs with no less than eight (8) comprehensive and definitive sentences. For each of the following articles/videos write about the main themes and ideas, major argument and conclusion, and finally how did the article/video contribute to your understanding of women in politics. Your essay must cover all of these points.

Essay #1 – Conversation Between Viola Davis and Stacey Abrams (Video)

Essay #2 – Women and Social Change Leader (Article)

Essay #3 – Why Women in Politics 2012 (Article)

Essay #4 – You may choose to write about either Dr. Dorothy Height or Dr. Angela Davis (Video)

Extra Credit (worth 5 points): What were two important segments in the PBS Makers Women Who Make America 3 of 3 video (key people/events) that added value to your knowledge and understanding of women in politics (be specific how)?

Discuss the potential impacts of fair value within the professional field. What should be considered in regard to fair value accounting and whether it is the best decision for the company? What information would be most valuable to management, lenders, and investors as it relates to fair value or other concepts covered in the course?
October 12, 2022/in Uncategorized /by Sam
Fair Value Under Fire
Revisit the article Fair Value Under Fire and consider other resources used throughout the course. Discuss the potential impacts of fair value within the professional field. What should be considered in regard to fair value accounting and whether it is the best decision for the company? What information would be most valuable to management, lenders, and investors as it relates to fair value or other concepts covered in the course?

In your responses to your peers, discuss the impacts of fair value as they relate to organizations that regulate accounting practices. What should businesses do to ensure alignment with them in their accounting practices?

Describe three distinct target markets for drinking water. How does marketing create value for each of these segments using the four Ps: product, price, place, and promotion?
October 6, 2022/in Uncategorized /by Sam
Part-A: Case Study

Read the Chapter Case Study “A Flood of Water Consumption Choices” from Chapter No- 1 “Overview of Marketing” Page: – 24 and 25 given in your textbook/E-book – “Marketing” (8th ed.) by Dhruv. Grewal and Michael Levy (2022) and answer the following Questions:

How does marketing impact the consumption of water, and how has this impact changed since the mid-20th century? (2.5 Marks)
Describe three distinct target markets for drinking water. How does marketing create value for each of these segments using the four Ps: product, price, place, and promotion? (2.5 Marks)
How has changing societal values impacted the way in which water is purchased and consumed? (2.5 Marks)

Part-B: Critical Thinking

Reading required: – Read Chapter 3, 5, 6 and 7 carefully and then put your answers based on your understanding.

Suppose you own an herbal tea company and you want to introduce a new product called Mint-Enhanced Tea—a mint and lemon herbal tea. Being a marketer, how you should go about creating excitement using various social and mobile media tools?
Chapter-3. (2.5 Marks) (Minimum 150 words)

Today, marketers cannot ignore consumers’ concerns about the environmental impact of the firm’s activities. What are some of the environmental concerns consumers have regarding marketing activities? Critically examine how can marketers address these important concerns? Chapter-5 (5 Marks) (Minimum 150 words)
Taking into account the example of buying “iPads” for personal use versus buying more than “100 iPads” for a firm, how you can differentiate between the consumer buying process discussed in Chapter-6 and the B2B buying process discussed in Chapter-7?
Chapter-6 and 7 (2.5 Marks) (Minimum 150 words)

Important Notes: –

For each question, you need to answer not in less than 150 Words.
Support your answers with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles
Use APA style for writing references.

Utilize the SPSS software to complete each scenario presented to you. Cover a different method of testing for statistical significance.
October 5, 2022/in Uncategorized /by Sam
Write-Up Assignment Instructions

Software systems like SPSS provide us the ability to quickly conduct statistical analysis. For each assignment you will utilize the SPSS software to complete each scenario presented to you. Each Write-Up Assignment will cover a different method of testing for statistical significance. You may even use some of these methods when you are conducting your dissertation.


Review each assignment tutorial and template. See the chart below for the specific documents you should be reviewing and downloading. The tutorial will provide information on how to use the SPSS software for each assignment. Use the techniques that you gained from the tutorial to complete the template. Then submit only the template for a grade.

Module: Week Assignment Resources
Module 2: Week 2 One-Sample t-Test Template One-Sample t-Test Tutorial

Module 3: Week 3 Independent Samples t-Test Template Independent Samples t-Test Tutorial

Module 4: Week 4 ANOVA Template ANOVA Tutorial

Module 5: Week 5 Chi-Square Template Chi-Square Tutorial

Module 6: Week 6 Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Template Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Tutorial

Module 7: Week 7 Write-Up: Bivariate Regression Template Write-Up: Bivariate Regression Tutorial

Figure out a password that can make the program output a lucky number. Explain how your password works. Rewrite the program so that it no longer has a buffer vulnerability.
October 5, 2022/in Uncategorized /by Sam
Generate lottery numbers
The following program takes a password as input but always refuses to generate lottery numbers:

#include using namespace std; char goodPassword() { int good = ‘N’; char Password[10]; // Memory storage for the password cin>>Password; // Get input from keyboard return (char)good; } int main() { cout


Reference no: EM132069492

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