Question 1.
What does it mean to take an ‘other-directed’ approach when negotiating? List some examples of one sided and other-directed thinking and behaviour. How can we be ‘other-directed’ without this involving agreeing with the other party?
Use an example from your experience or case study covered in class to substantiate your response.
Question 2.
Negotiators face challenges at the start of a negotiation including “separation”? What are the challenges and how might these challenges be met? Use an example from your personal experience or case study and explain the consequences of “separation”.
Question 3.
Metaphors are often used to aid in explaining how to navigate the Negotiation process, describe one of these metaphors and explain how this assists in being able to ‘Grasp the big picture’ when preparing for a negotiation. How is this beneficial?
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Section B: 2 Questions (Worth 40 marks)
ALL questions to be answered. Each question is worth 20 marks
Question 1.
You are negotiating on behalf of the board of directors of a company that would share the benefits of a merger through economies of scale and lower costs through rationalising duplicated operations. Each company established teams of negotiators to develop a strategy and brief you on the terms of the merger. The negotiation would need to reach agreement on financial and operational issues as well as governance issues (how the merged company would be managed).
What challenges do you think the negotiators might face in managing these negotiations? (To answer this question, use an example form your own experience or think of two well-known similar companies – two retail chains, transport companies, car dealers or telcos.)
Give original examples. Support your answer using theory and evidence from knowledge covered in this course. Do not use the same examples previously used.
Question 2.
Two companies, parties to a contractual dispute, are due to attend mediation. However, they have agreed to attend only because their contract contains a disputes clause that requires them to go to mediation before they can initiate legal proceedings against the other (which they both want to do). You are the mediator. What actions might you take to improve the mediation? Give original examples. Support your answer using theory and evidences from knowledge covered in this course.
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