7CO01: To what extent do you agree with the view that technologies: Work And Working Lives In A Changing Business Environment Assignment, UK

Question 2

To what extent do you agree with the view that technologies which are likely to
mature in the late 2020s will create a great deal of unemployment and underemployment as people in organizations are increasingly replaced with machines? Justify your answer.

Question 5

Identify any THREE distinct challenges or opportunities for people management in organizations that arise from the rapid increase in the use of social media on the part of employees and potential recruits. Which of those you have selected do you consider to have the greatest long-term importance? Justify your answer.
Question 9

Reflect upon a major change intervention within your own organization (for example, a shift towards more remote working/introduction of new technology).

i) Provide a brief overview of the change intervention (no more than 300 words).and

ii) Critically assess the effectiveness of the leadership and management of this
change intervention. Draw upon academic theories, models, and research to
support your assessment.

Question 16
The CIPD (2019: 23) refer to inclusion as “belonging without conformity”. Critically analyse how you can use people practices to promote inclusion in your organization, justifying your recommendations.

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