Aiva Lee and Kaire Bellini
Please read Hardman’s Chapter 15 – Human Exceptionality: School, Community and Family (2017, 12th edition), sections on Acceleration and Learning
Through Social Media (How Grade Skipping Changed Everything) before starting this discussion.
Discussion requirements: Based on research presented in the textbook, and conducted on your own, decide where you stand in the “acceleration debate” –
present your side, discuss why, and provide evidence (findings, experience) to support your discussion. Please try to refrain from using too many verbatim
(word-for-word) statements from the text or Internet to “represent” your viewpoints.
Please include 1 question at the end of your main post and then, please respond to, or discuss substantively with at least two other classmates. Check the
discussion forum frequently for any questions for you.
Important Note:Please be sure to cite all resources and paraphrase what you read rather than simply “cut & paste” — plagiarism is a serious matter. Please
understand more about the Breach of Academic Integrity by reviewing the policy here:
In addition, the discussions posted in discussion forums (even if it was written by you) here cannot be used as part of any of your assignments for a grade
again. If you did, it will be considered a breach of academic integrity, and you will earn a zero for the assignment.
The post Acceleration Debate first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.