Find each of the five methods applied by any character in any of the three short stories assigned under Module 4. Briefly state the problem.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a english writing question and need guidance to help me learn.

All stories have a plot. A plot is made up conflicts and structure.

Conflict creates problems for characters to deal with. Once we determine a problem a character must deal with, we can apply the Problem-Solving Matrix to analyze the methods a character applies to solve the problem and the causal effects of their attempts. There are 5 major methods that characters generally choose from. Methods are applied alone or combined. There are 3 effects that can result. Effects vary by degree and may also be combined.

Discussion Topic
Find each of the five methods applied by any character in any of the three short stories assigned under Module 4. Briefly state the problem.

Link to Three Stories


Toleration and Movement

In the novel Candide (upcoming novel), Candide is thrown out of his home by the Baron after the Baron catches Candide and Cunegonde in love. Candide uses toleration and movement by accepting the verdict and leaving the castle.

Accommodation and Invention

In the novel Fight Club (upcoming novel), the narrator wants sleeping pills from his doctor to fight his insomnia. His doctor refuses and tells him to visit support groups instead to see what real pain is. The character accommodates the doctor by attending support groups, but the narrator pretends (invention) that he has the illnesses.


In the novel The Bluest Eye (upcoming novel), Claudia gets a white-skinned doll that she is told to love but doesn’t. Claudia rips apart (domination) the doll to find the essence of its significance.


In the novel The Life Before Us (upcoming novel), Momo feels unloved because his mother doesn’t visit. He creates (invention) an imagery friend from a broom as a way to give constancy in love to his life.

Note: The point is to find all 5 methods. You do not have to find all 5 methods in each story.

Reference no: EM132069492

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