Patients’ life should be spent in the comfort of their homes, surrounded by their loved ones





The proposed innovation is patients’ life should be spent in the comfort of their homes, surrounded by their loved ones, with government-funded 24-hour proper and efficient care. Our proposed innovation is for everyone ( unlimited ages), people with disabilities, and the uninsured to be provided with government-funded 24-hour home/nursing care focusing on San Jose, California. The presence of a caregiver at all times will ensure the patient’s safety and well-being and allow personalized care with the full caregiver’s attention. A 24-hour service allows patients to interact with family and friends in the comfort of their homes and to maintain a quality lifestyle that prevents depression and fear of dying outside their homes. – Do research about background Content for the innovation proposal (history, facts, concepts, terminology related to the proposed program). You will be addressing public health experts who will already understand the science behind the program and will have reviewed your presentation brief in advance. Please focus on San Jose, California. Write a Short Closing (summary, opinions, observations, and the final request for support).



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Reference no: EM132069492

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