For this assignment, use and build on the Final Paper Proposal Worksheet from Module 3. See my notes, comments, and suggestions on that assignment, which I returned to you already.
Using your Module 3 worksheet—and my comments on it—you will create a DETAILED OUTLINE of your final paper.
But throughout your outline, ALSO be sure to integrate your outside sources that you found too! (You summarized those sources in that Final Paper Proposal Worksheet.)
In other words: in your paper, you should incorporate quotes and facts from your sources throughout your paragraphs, using APA style in-text citations to do so
Use the skills you learned in English 103 and practiced further in HUM 102 That is to say, you do NOT just want to plop a quote, or a citation, at the end of a paragraph.
Instead, you want to INCORPORATE the ideas and quotes from your sources THROUGHOUT your paragraphs.
In doing this, you should ALSO be incorporating in-text citations each time you use an idea, fact, or quote from a source. So do NOT simply plop a citation at the end of a paragraph
Using the boxes below, create the outline of what your Final Paper draft will look like.
REMINDER: Here is the paper prompt you’re writing about:
The liberal arts include (but are not limited to) philosophy, literature, theater, and history. Each of these disciplines, when studied rigorously, explore the nature of human behavior, decision making, logic, argument, and cultural difference. They have little to say about the current trends and strategies associated with business and industry. Should business students be required to study the liberal arts, or should their time be spent studying current business trends and strategies exclusively?
Introduction Paragraph: About 4-5 sentences. The INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH should largely just state: (a) a LITTLE background on the topic; (b) why the topic is important to talk about in today’s world; (c) a very brief summary of the TWO SIDES OF THE DEBATE, pro and con, of the issue you chose; (d) state your conclusion. Your conclusion is your paper’s “thesis statement” at the end of this introduction paragraph. (See your Module 3 Final Paper Proposal Worksheet for your conclusion.).
Finally, your introduction paragraph should (e) state in a sentence or two, and very clearly, the four premises you’ll be offering later in the paper: “I prove my conclusion by, first, … second, … third, … and fourth … .”
Background Information Paragraph: DON’T start giving premises yet! In this paragraph, you should provide any “background information” your reader needs to understand in order to HAVE ALL THE RELEVANT FACTS about the topic BEFORE your start arguing for your own position. What terms are you using that need to be defined? What are the associated issues, complications, etc. that need to be explained before diving into the argument itself? What’s the history of the topic and of the debate?
For example:
Imagine you’re writing your paper about marijuana legalization. You’d want your “background information” source to explain: (a) what marijuana is; (b) how it affects the human body; (c) where it is currently legal for recreational and/or medical use, and where it is not; and/or (d) the history of the battle over its legalization
REMEMBER: This is NOT the place to give premises! In other words, this is NOT the place to start convincing someone you’re right! This is just the place to explain the topic in detail.
Remember to incorporate quotes and facts from one or more sources into your paragraph, using APA style in-text citations to do so.
Use the skills you learned in English 103 and practiced further in HUM 102 That is to say, you do NOT just want to plop a quote, or a citation, at the end of a paragraph.
Instead, you want to INCORPORATE the ideas and quotes from your sources THROUGHOUT your paragraphs.
In doing this, you should ALSO be incorporating in-text citations each time you use an idea, fact, or quote from a source. So do NOT simply plop a citation at the end of a paragraph
Premise Paragraph 1: State Premise 1. Explain that premise in detail, all in about 5 sentences. See your Final Paper Proposal Worksheet for Premise 1.
Remember to incorporate quotes and facts from one or more sources into your paragraph, using APA style in-text citations to do so.
Use the skills you learned in English 103 and practiced further in HUM 102 That is to say, you do NOT just want to plop a quote, or a citation, at the end of a paragraph.
Instead, you want to INCORPORATE the ideas and quotes from your sources THROUGHOUT your paragraphs.
In doing this, you should ALSO be incorporating in-text citations each time you use an idea, fact, or quote from a source. So do NOT simply plop a citation at the end of a paragraph