A 4000-word portfolio illustrating advanced personal and professional development. Your portfolio needs a clear structure: • A cover page • A contents page • An introduction to your portfolio outlining what it covers – you need to identify your learning outcomes and highlight what you want to achieve from the module. • You then need to address how you achieved the learning outcomes; you may have a section for each learning outcome. What evidence do you have that you achieved the outcome, how did you achieve the outcome (any challenges), what future development have you identified? • There needs to be evidence of critical engagement with a range of relevant literature to support the points and arguments you are presenting. • Your critical narrative concludes with recommendations for your personal, professional and practice development. • Your final section is the Appendices. You need to include a range of supportive evidence demonstrating your personal and professional development, for example,: ? Testimonials, peer reviews or witness statements; ? Case illustrations, Care models, or Pathways; ? Evidence of participation as Simulation Faculty; ? Design, delivery, and evaluation of practice based education and or/and training; ? Presentations/posters/conference papers illustrating dissemination of project work For further guidance, discuss your portfolio development with your Negotiated Learning Group Facilitator.
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