What do the black dots represent?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a astronomy question and need support to help me learn.

There are three question sets for this assignment:

1. The TESS observatory is adding new data and understanding to the search for extrasolar planets. Review the following graphs of transit data from TESS (and other observatories) and explain in your own words what the curve represents, answering the questions below (200 words)

What do the black dots represent?
What causes the dip in the center of each graph?
Why are the dips different shapes?
What is the difference between a narrow dip and a wide dip?
What is the difference between a shallow dip and a deep dip?
2. When was a recent extrasolar planet discovered and what method did they use?3. K5-317 b is a terrestrial exoplanet that orbits a M-type star. Its mass is 1.309 Earth masses, and it takes 5.9 days to complete one orbit of its star. Suppose a second planet orbits the same star, but it takes 3.5 days to complete its orbit around the star. Would you expect the second planet to be closer or farther to the star than K5-317b? Explain your answer fully. (100 words – 3 pts)The more pertinent information you provide in a coherent, logical, scientific argument the stronger your grade. Your work must be in your own words and must not contain any cutting and pasting from the Internet or other sources. That includes cutting paragraphs and changing a few words – that is not acceptable.Submit your assignment to Assignment 3

Reference no: EM132069492

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