Your individual project for this unit has you responding to management as the IT Team Lead concerning the malware scenario below. This is not an actual real case you are studying. The details you provide in this report are one in which you make up to resemble a real report structure. Complete this report with your own fictitious information.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a information technology multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Your individual project for this unit has you responding to management as the IT Team Lead concerning the malware scenario below. This is not an actual real case you are studying. The details you provide in this report are one in which you make up to resemble a real report structure. Complete this report with your own fictitious information.

Scenario: LMJ-Ad corporate management has been informed by the network administrative team that there was a malware attack and infection overnight at the system level, now spreading to the network enterprise level, requiring the incident response team to take immediate action. The infection came from a malware attachment on a phishing email and was reported by a user with a priority trouble ticket. Initial interviews suggest the incident may have come from an internal employee. (Ch. 6, 13, 15)

Provide the following for your investigative report:

General Incident Information

Cover Page (Page 1 – not counted in total page count):

Date: Incident POC Name

Time: Incident POC Phone

Time Zone: Incident POC Email

Initial Identification

Section 1.0 (Page 1): Date, time, and time zone for first detection
Example: Threat identified 8/6/20; 11:34am; ET

Section 2.0 Impacted Personnel (Page 1): List names and contact information for all persons involved in detection and initial investigation
Example: Mr. John Doe; Incident Response Lead; 555-555-5656; Mrs. Jane Doe; Network Engineer; 556-557-5678

Section 3.0 Incident Detection Specifics (Page 1; 2 paragraphs): How was the incident detected?
Example: IDS/IPS/HIDS/NIDS alerts; Violation of user behavior baseline; security event threat detection; suspicious network traffic patterns; ransomware, or malware alerts from anti-virus/malware software

Section 4.0 Threat Identification (Page 2; 2 paragraphs): What do you think the threat is?
Example: Classification of threat is based on type of behavior analyzed either live or via logs, and recovered digital forensics data

Section 5.0 Infected Resources (Page 3-4; 2-3 paragraphs): List of systems and network components involved both at the system and network levels: System 1, 2, 3; Network component A, etc., and infections found

Example: Lenovo 20L5000; Serial #; IP Address x; infection

Section 6.0 Digital Evidence (Page 4-5; 2-3 paragraphs): Where can supporting evidence be found?

Example: Location of log file, log file types, time stamps, screen shots, IDS reports

Section 7.0 Tools and Procedures (Page 5-6; 2-3 paragraphs): Describe the tools and procedures used for acquiring the media (ex., disk-to-disk, disk to image, sparse copy), thus creating the forensic image of the media for examination.

Provide name for assignment: For example: Pat_Jones_ITDI-372_Unit2.docx.

Please submit your assignment.

Reference no: EM132069492

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