Creating a rebuttal







Should people have the right to own a gun?
Fnd the argument you want to create a rebuttal to. Think about what you’ve heard or read that you find incorrect or offensive. Find a written version of that article and study it carefully, deeply analyzing your reasons for disagreeing. Here are a few things to think about: Exactly what claim do you want to argue against? Are the facts presented accurately and interpreted correctly? What other facts might outweigh the evidence presented in the argument? Is there a direct connection between the claim and support? On what assumptions is the argument based? Are they fair ones? Does the author commit any fallacies? Does he or she rely too much on pathos or ethos? Once you further understand why you disagree with the argument, it’s time to decide how you will argue against it. In what ways will you refute this argument, and in what ways will you create a counterargument? What will most strongly convince the audience of this debate?




The post Creating a rebuttal first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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