the next section will describe the origins of research on conflict styles, who founded the conflict styles, and some of their early research. Then, describe the most recent research findings on conflict styles AND, specifically avoidance.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a communications writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

This will be a four-and-a-half paper describing “Avoidance” styles of conflict specifically found in romantic relationships. The first section will start off with the definition of conflict and the different conflict styles “Competing, collaborating, accommodating, avoidance and compromising”.

Then, the next section will describe the origins of research on conflict styles, who founded the conflict styles, and some of their early research. Then, describe the most recent research findings on conflict styles AND, specifically avoidance.

The next section will be a literature review- find research on avoidance conflict styles and describe how they take form in romantic relationships. For avoidance, finding research on “secret keeping” and “topic avoidance” should be included as well as other research you may find. Include the reasons why one would use this form of conflict style. Include the consequences that could occur in romantic relationships due to this destructive style of conflict approach.

The final section will be the practical advice section. You will find research and describe ways to combat and approach this conflict style. You will be giving advice on how to move towards more healthy patterns of approaching conflict in romantic relationships. Include the perspective of one who encounters this style of conflict in their partner and the perspective of one who holds this style of conflict. Give advice for both.

This paper will be in APA format, with 7 academic peer-reviewed sources. Avoid citing direct citations, paraphrase instead.

Reference no: EM132069492

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