Why did you make the choices you did in picking this image? How does it reflect and/or represent your topic/issue?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a english discussion question and need support to help me learn.


8:44 PM (15 minutes ago)

to me

Part Two, Locate and Analyze an Image:

1. Locate a complex image that responds in some way to the topic/issue you chose above in Part One. A complex image is one that engages multiple modes of communication (a cartoon with dialogue, a meme with text, a newspaper photo with descriptions, a cover of a novel, etc.)

You may locate this image via any internet platform (Google, Instagram, digital newspapers, etc.), but the image must be included (inserted) in your document and properly cited/labelled.

2. Next, in approximately two pages (or 300 words), discuss the following questions. Be certain that you connect the research you did in Part One to the ideas expressed in your image and in your explanation.


Discuss these questions:


Why did you make the choices you did in picking this image? How does it reflect and/or represent your topic/issue?
What does the image mean to you? What do you think it (or they) might mean to a viewer/different viewer/reader?
What does the image communicate or how does it relate to the topic/issue you chose? Are there any symbols or cultural understandings in this image?  What cultural/social/political/historical factors is your image addressing, if any? How? Where/how would/will the image be circulated in the world?

You can discuss any of these questions, too, if they fit and you want to:

Who will see the image, where, and why does that matter? Did analyzing the image give you a different perspective on your issue?
Consider your image from multiple perspectives. What changes, strengthens, or shifts in your perspective on the issue or question you are exploring as you alter the lens of inquiry?
Do any of the perspectives presented in the image clash with one another, and if so, how and/or why?
What do you hope the image will make people think or feel or do about your topic or issue?

When you finish, proofread for grammatical errors, and upload one single file, Microsoft Word or pdf format only, to the assignment submission link located below.

Reference no: EM132069492

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