Learning Goal: I’m working on a history case study and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
Directions: Choose one of the options for the History Project (Option A or Option B). For this part of the project, you are simply informing me which option you are choosing. Then use the Rich Text Editor to enter your choice.
If you are doing Option B: Research Paper, then let me know the topic. For example, I am doing Option B and I am going to research <____>. Please make sure that the research topic is from the time period of our course, which is Pre-History to the 1850s. So, no WW2.R
esearch Topic: Research Outline with Resources
Write a 2-3 page outline that includes the following information: The main point (argument/thesis), the possible paragraph topics, a full citation for each library and other media resource, and some examples from the library and media sources that will be used in your paper. The Bibliography/Work Cited needs to be included and it does not count in the page length requirement.
1. The main point (Argument/Thesis) is the answer to your research inquiry. For example, This paper will look at ______ issue, which is comparable to events that happened _______. Many times we usually put the main point in the conclusion, which is good too, but providing the reader (me) with the main point in the introduction helps the reader (me) follow the structure of the paper.
2. Use the following links to understand how to create an outline: