Select and view one of the following movies.
a. The Help (2011) Director: Tate Taylor
b. Prayers for Bobby (2009) Director: Russell Mulchay
c. Precious (2009) Director: Lee Daniels
d. Little Miss Sunshine (2006) Directors: Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris
e. Nell (1994) Director Michael Apted
f. Big Mama (2000) Director Tracy Seretean
g. Podcast: My Father Vanished When I was 7. The Mystery Made Me Who I am by Nicholas Casey. New York Times, June 17, 2021
h. Zion. A documentary short
i. Moonlight (2016) Director: Barry Jenkins
j. Crime in the Streets (1956) Director: Don Siegel
NOTE: If you prefer to utilize a movie or digital audio file that is not on the suggested list, you must receive prior approval from the instructor. In this paper, you are asked to analyze the movie or digital audio file from a multi- dimensional perspective. Your paper must incorporate course material, relevant theories, and the influence of cultural, race, and ethnicity has on behaviors, attitudes, and identity. This is not merely a movie or podcast review. This assignment is to write a case analysis focusing on how to engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate practice with an individual, a family, a group, an organization, or a community. I am more interested in your reaction and thoughts on its content than the content itself and your ability to apply human behavior theories to an actual situation. This paper should be eight to ten (double spaced as per APA style) pages.
A. Choose two theoretical perspectives that you have learned about during the semester and apply them to one of the individuals, family, groups, or community in the selected film or podcast. Include identifying data for the significant individual(s): take into consideration the individual’s socio-economic, class, ethnicity, culture, religion, gender, and sexual orientation. You should reference the NASW Standards for Cultural Competence.
a. What are the major propositions of the theories? Describe what the theory explains about human behavior in the social environment presented in the film.
b. Explain the strengths and limitations of each theory in understanding the individual, family, group, or community in the film.
c. Discuss how your two theories would account for the influence of social privileges and social oppression. Do the theories differ in their explanations’ and why?
d. Discuss how these two theories would influence your social work practice with the chosen individual or social group selected. Be sure to indicate under what circumstances each theory would be useful and the kinds of questions each theory might cause you to ask about a client’s challenges.
e. Apply theory-based conceptual models of human behavior in a macro-level social context, explaining and assessing selected client system problems and client situations. Create a diagram depicting the main character in their environment (i.e., micro, mezzo, and macro levels.
f. Critically reflect on how cultural, ecological, economic, political, and personal factors influence the lives of the characters and how social workers should engage with people in their practice. This includes an understanding of the ways these factors relate to and affect each other.
g. Use no fewer than five scholarly sources for your paper. This is to include evidence-based, peer-reviewed literature (journal articles and course readings) to offer support documentation of the movie assessment.
The post Multi-Theoretical Assessment of Adult in Context first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.