Personality and the Individual




Identify one trait from the Big Five (openness, also known as intellect/imagination; conscientiousness; extraversion; agreeableness; or neuroticism, also known as emotional stability) that you think is particularly important for your selected profession and justify your response.
For example, it may be important for a lawyer to possess the trait of conscientiousness. Reliability and diligence seem to be an important part of the job. Being disorganized and impulsive might not serve a lawyer’s clients well.
Describe whether it would be most ideal for your selected professional to be low, high, or mixed for the Big Five trait you identified for most situations and justify your response.
For example, it may be important for a lawyer to score low on neuroticism (high on emotional stability) since they need to listen and think things through. It seems best if negative affect does not interfere with their ability to present a case. However, there are times when lawyers can be seen as emotional and even aggressive.
Explain whether you think the effectiveness of the Big Five trait you selected depends on the situation. To justify your response, provide a real or imagined example where the trait would benefit the professional and an example where the same trait would not benefit the professional.
For example, maybe openness would be important when a lawyer searches for evidence in favor of the client, but the appearance of openness to new ideas might not be as important while advocating for the client in court.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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