The movie ape genius by nova National Geographic as well.


1. Bibliography. Write bibliographic information for the article in the citation style for MLA
(Modern language Association, APA (American Psychological Association) or SAA
(Society for American Archaeology) style. There are tons of websites out there to help
you with this. For SAA style, go to, then click ‘About the Society’ and find
Publications from the drop down menu, hover over that and you’ll see Style Guide.
Summarize: What is the point of this article? What are the main arguments? What
topics are covered? If someone asked what this article/book is about, what would you
say? How are the main arguments supported by research and data? The summary
should be about half of an annotation – between 500 and 600 words for each article.
Evaluate: How does this source reflect, build on, or contradict what you already know
from class? Is there material in your textbook that you can use to interpret the author’s
approach? In this portion of your bibliography, you’ll be making and explaining links between
what the source says and the Haviland and Ferraro books textbook, my lectures, and the movies
you’ve seen. Don’t just state that links exist, explain them. You should convince me during this
section that you have a strong grasp on course material and how this article relates to it in
several ways. The evaluation should be about half of an annotation – between 500 and
600 words for each article.
You’ll follow steps 1-3 twice for a total of two articles. The overall length of your
assignment must be at least 2000 words. The bibliographic information for each article
does not count toward the word count – just what you wrote for 2) and 3) above. Your total
word count for the assignment should be less than 2400 words.
The textbook for class are Cultural Anthropology: The Human Challenge 15th Ed. By William
Haviland, Harald Prins, Dana Walbrath and Bunny McBride
Classic Readings in Cultural Anthropology 4th Ed. By Gary Ferraro
The movie ape genius by nova National Geographic as well.


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Reference no: EM132069492

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