An issue related to human factors in cybersecurity

1. Please find and take a stand on an issue related to human factors in cyber security. The paper must be written with persuasive arguments and must support your position. An example of such an issue could be the threat that a human error could cause to organizations by presenting a weak point of exploitation etc.
2. The topic must not be broad and vague and should be organized clearly. Subheadings will be a good addition. The topic should have a relationship to human factors in cybersecurity.
3. The paper should have eight pages and a bibliography page, making it a total of 9.
4. At least eight credible sources should be used and correctly cited (IEEE citation), and depth of research and credible sources are important to keep in mind.
5. Things to keep in mind: attention to detail, a clear organization of the paper, and strong arguments.




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Reference no: EM132069492

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