-A reflection paper is your identification of the main themes of the video integrated with your future classroom experiences and how both affect your thinking and future practice.
-A reflection paper is your chance to add your thoughts and analysis to what you have read or watched and possibly experienced.
-A reflection paper is meant to illustrate your understanding of the material and how it affects your ideas and possible practice in future.
-Begin by jotting down some of what you saw in the video and any prior class experiences that stand out in your mind. Decide why they stand out to you.
-It may be helpful to use the restorative questions to generate some of your thoughts and feelings about the course experience.
-Using the first person singular (“I”), relate the video and classes to your previous knowledge and any experience.
-Consider if and how what you have viewed and learned changed your thinking and how it might affect your practice in both personal and professional situations.
-Review your notes to be sure you’ve included all the relevant information you can and made all the connections you can.
-Give your reflection paper structure with an opening paragraph, main body, and conclusion.
-It may be helpful to write the body of the paper and then decide what your opening paragraph should say.
-The opening paragraph may be brief, only a sentence or two, but it should offer some overall statement of your perspective based on what you’ve learned.
– Include in-text references and a reference page for any materials you cite using APA citation formatting.
Respond to this video by writing a one page reflection paper. Attach the paper into the Assignment Submission link. For additional assistance, I provided instructions on how to write a good reflection paper is under the Course Documents link along with the grading rubric.
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