Identify it, and describe/analyze the details in terms of graphic and user interface design

Learning Goal: I’m working on a creative writing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please answer the question at length with at least a 50 word count. You can certainly go beyond that if you are making a good point!

Please thoroughly review the article (click here):

20+ UI Design Concepts for Education on Web and Mobile

Pay close attention to the visual layouts or ‘styles’ presented and think about the graphic design “rules” you learned.

Enjoy the visuals, while at the same time do an analysis: layout, colors, fonts, style, messaging/logos and all the rest…

Pick out ONE visual concept (from THIS site) that you respond to
Identify it, and describe/analyze the details in terms of graphic and user interface design
Be sure to use some UI vocabulary! Describe the graphics and interactive elements as if you are writing to express what the “style” is – paint a picture with words for your readers

Reference no: EM132069492

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