Learning Goal: I’m working on a history multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
Read the following primary sources and answer the five (5) questions below with paragraphs of at least 4-5 sentences (you are NOT required to use EACH source in the answer to every single question, though you ARE required to have used ALL of the sources by the end of the assignment):
edu/mod/1497degama.asp” rel=”noopener”>https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/mod/1497degama.asp
edu/mod/1497vespucci-america.asp” rel=”noopener”>https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/mod/1497vespucci-america.asp
edu/mod/1519magellan.asp” rel=”noopener”>https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/mod/1519magellan.asp
edu/mod/1580Pretty-drake.asp” rel=”noopener”>https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/mod/1580Pretty-drake.asp
edu/mod/1595raleigh-guiana.asp” rel=”noopener”>https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/mod/1595raleigh-guiana.asp
1) Choose descriptions of the indigenous peoples these explorers met in at least three (3) different sources. What features made these particular descriptions stand out to you? Why do you think someone who read these sources during the late 1400s and the 1500s might, or might not, believe the claims made by these explorers?
2) Choose three (3) references to Christianity from three (3) different sources. Why do you think there were so many references to Christianity in the writings about exploration? Compare and contrast these three references to Christianity to the primary source that was written by a Muslim in the 1500s, and explain the similarities and differences.
3) Identify three (3) references to nature and natural resources from three (4) different sources. Why do you think these authors chose to describe the natural surroundings of the lands they visited? What advantages and disadvantages do you see in describing the natural world in the manner they chose?
4) List three (3) quotes from three (3) different sources that explain the economic advantages explorers sought from their journeys. Please make sure to indicate who wrote these quotes. Why did you choose these quotes, and what do they mean to you?
5) Choose one quote written by Admiral Sidi Ali Reis and two (2) quotes from two (2) different sources from the Europeans about the military aspects of exploration. Why did you choose these quotes, and what do they mean to you?