Does the cover page have your name, section, and date of submission?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need support to help me learn.

GREAT’s Assignment DUE NOV 22nd

Aging and Health 120 Senior Interview Paper specifications/directions

The senior interview paper is based on your interview of a senior citizen. The senior interview MUST be done BEFORE students write the senior paper. Details regarding how to complete the senior interview are located with that specific assignment. The senior interview paper is worth 100 points. Use the checklist below to assist you in completing the requirements for the paper’s format correctly.


1.Does the cover page have your name, section, and date of submission?

2. Did you set the font size to 12 and print style set at Calibri or Times

New Roman?

3. Are the questions answered in paragraph form in complete sentences?

DO NOT TYPE the question and then the answer!

4. Is each paragraph double spaced?

5. Did you set the spacing for the page layout to 8? Go to page layout, look

at spacing and set it at 8.

6. Did you perform a spelling and grammar check before submitting?

7. Is there a separate reference page at the end of the paper in APA format?

NOTE: If no references are used in the paper the highest grade that can be

earned is 20 points!

8. Did you utilize a minimum of 4 different quality resources (not the course textbook.

Be sure to evaluate all sources for relevance, authority, and currency.

9. Did you cite your sources in the body of the paper in the APA style stated

in this project?

10. Were your answers thorough? The paper should be 3-4 pages long NOT

including the cover and reference pages!

AGING and HEALTH 120 – Senior Interview Paper

Paragraph One: Introduction

Use 4-5 sentences to explain the reason for interviewing a senior and the topics you will be writing about in this paper. Suggestion: read the questions below and incorporate some of the questions as the topics you will be addressing.

Paragraph Two: Address questions 1-3 below:

Select 2 healthy lifestyle habits/choices that the senior you interviewed practiced and incorporated throughout their life and state what those healthy lifestyle choices were. Refer to questions 2 – 13 and 18 – 22 from the interview to answer this question.

Explain why you think each of the 2 healthy lifestyle habits/choices they practiced were healthy choices. Additionally, list 2 examples of other possible healthy habits/choices that they could have made and explain the reasons why you chose them as possibilities.

Select one of the positive healthy lifestyle habits/choices they practiced and utilize research and evidence to support your thoughts regarding why this habit/choice is a healthy one to incorporate into one’s life.

Paragraph Three: Address questions 4-7 below:

After considering the most stressful situations/events that occurred in their live, describe how they coped with 2 of the stressful situations/events. (Refer to the senior’s responses to questions 14 – 16.)

Do you think their coping choices were positive and healthy ways to do so? Explain your answer.

Select one of the coping choices the senior utilized. State if you think that method was a healthy and positive method—or was it a negative and unhealthy method to deal with the stressful event/situation? Now support your thoughts by utilizing research and evidence regarding why this coping choice was a healthy and positive method or a negative and unhealthy method to deal with the stressful event/situation.

Select one of the stressful situations/ events from the senior’s interview and describe how this stressful situation / event could have possibly been influenced, in a negative manner, by any of the following: their age at that time, their ethnicity, or gender.

Paragraph Four: Address questions 8-12

Have they ever experienced discrimination and/or have been stereotyped as a result of their age (at any age), ethnicity or gender? If their answer was no, then ask them what type of discrimination and/or stereotyping possibly could have occurred due to their age, ethnicity or gender. Explain your answer.

Select 2 different groups of seniors (a few example are: senior males compared to senior females, Caucasians and Hispanics, poor seniors compared to wealthy seniors) and analyze one of the following: racial, cultural, or socioeconomic differences among older adults. Describe what the research states regarding the differences that exist between those two groups utilizing a minimum of 5 sentences.

Describe what the senior’s thoughts and attitudes were in regards to their experiences with being exposed to and working with people of the same ethnicity and religious beliefs as themselves or being exposed to a variety of ethnicities and religions at different points in their lives.

List and explain 2 positive experiences that you think could be a result of people living and working with different ethnicities and religious beliefs besides yourself.

List and explain 2 negative experiences that you think could be a result of people living and working with different ethnicities and religious beliefs besides yourself.

Paragraph Five: Address questions 13-14

Based on your observations and interview with the senior, list two traits/habits that people who age gracefully possess. Explain your reasons for choosing each of the traits/habits. Use research and evidence to support one of the traits/habits that you discussed in regards to traits/habits that people who age gracefully possess.

Explain how you can incorporate one of the healthy traits/habits that the senior you interviewed possessed into your own lifestyle and how that health trait/habit may assist you in aging in a positive and healthy manner.


Students, to submit the paper correctly, do the following:

For online Aging and Health 120 courses: on the specified due date and time stated in the syllabus and/or calendar pages, submit copy one as an attachment in the message in Brightspace to your professor, before the online deadline. On the cover page of this paper, it should have ONLY your student ID#, the course name, and section (Ex. HLTH/HUSC 120 WO4). On the second copy, the cover page should have your name, section, and date of submission, save the assignment as a word document and submit the assignment into the grade center or how your professor wants you to submit assignments into Brightspace.

For face-to-face Aging and Health 120 courses: on the specified due date stated in the syllabus and/or calendar pages, students must hand in two (2) copies of the typed assignment. On copy one, have ONLY your CCBC student ID# on the cover page and the course and section (Ex. HLTH/HUSC 120 CFA). On the second copy, the cover page should have your name, section, and date of submission.


This assignment is worth a minimum of 10% of the total course grade.

See attached rubric for details regarding how this paper will be graded.

Reference no: EM132069492

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