A. Problem Statement
a. Define the problem and/or the specific population that is the focus of your paper. Explain the topic related to the population. Potential guiding questions to address in this section include:
i. How prevalent or widespread is this issue/problem?
ii. How many people are affected?
iii. What are the consequences of effects of this problem?
iv. How might the issue/problem defined or discussed by this specific
B. Literature Review
a. Provide context for the problem and population. Based on the six (6) or
more scholarly articles you read, synthesize the information. Potential
guiding questions to address in this section include:
i. What are the known causes or risk factors related to this problem?
ii. Why might certain populations be especially at risk? What are
characteristics or environmental factors that relate to greater risk?
1. For example, regarding the problem of obesity in low-income
communities, neighborhood violence may prevent community
members from going outdoors to play or exercise.
iii. What are some protective factors, strengths, and forms of resilience
that can help people to cope or reduce the risk or impact of the
iv. What might be the meaning and significance of the disorder or
condition to those within the specific subpopulation, or cultural beliefs shaping understanding of a problem?
1. For example, regarding the problem of obesity in indigenous communities, the ancient Hawaiian culture believed that excess body weight signified royalty.
v. What are some gaps in the literature – meaning what is still not known?
C. Interventions
o What are specific interventions that have been proposed to address this problem, including policy changes that affect the outcome or incidence of the condition or disorder?
o If you have not found any: based on your literature review, what might be an effect intervention at some level of the Person-In-Environment perspective (interventions at the micro, mezzo, or macro-level)?
D. Conclusion
a. Summarize the “state of knowledge” regarding the issue/problem that is the focus of your paper affecting this group/population.
The paper should be 6-8 pages in length, include 6 or more scholarly references (within the last 10-15 years), and use APA format to cite scholarly references.
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