If Korea were to unite during our lifetime, do you think it is more likely to occur because an internal revolution in North Korea against the Kim government, or because a joint military operation between the US, South Korea, and their allies? Defend your answer.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a history discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1: imagining a united Korea discussion

Watch the 10 minute video linked HERE

Then answer the following question:

If Korea were to unite during our lifetime, do you think it is more likely to occur because an internal revolution in North Korea against the Kim government, or because a joint military operation between the US, South Korea, and their allies? Defend your answer.

2: East Timor

I purposely omitted the newest member of the Southeast Asian community from our class presentation on Tuesday – East Timor.

Your task is to gather FIVE interesting facts about East Timor that you gathered by examining news articles and wikis about the nation, and arrange them into a paragraph.

Reference no: EM132069492

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