earning Goal: I’m working on a computer science question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
Analyzing & Visualizing Data
Select any example of a visualization or infographic, maybe your own work or that of others. The task is to undertake a deep, detailed ‘forensic’ like assessment of the design choices made across each of the five layers of the chosen visualization’s anatomy. In each case your assessment is only concerned with one design layer at a time.
For this task, take a close look at the annotation choices:
Start by identifying all the annotation features deployed, listing them under the headers of either project or chart annotation
How suitable are the choices and deployment of these annotation features? If they are not, what do you think they should have been?
Go through the set of ‘Influencing factors’ from the latter section of the book’s chapter to help shape your assessment and to possibly inform how you might tackle this design layer differently
Also, considering the range of potential annotation features, what would you do differently or additionally?
Submit a two-page document answering all of the questions above. Be sure to show the visualization first and then thoroughly answer the above questions. Ensure that there are at least two-peer reviewed sources utilized this week to support your work.
This week navigate to the Visualizing Data click on resources and then click on the colour tab. This site is managed by the author of the textbook. Pick one option and note it by the name in the website. For example “ HTML Color Picker”. Then note what it is, when you would use it. Next, find a website that uses the method or should use the method. Explain why.
In response to peers, continue the conversation by agreeing or disagreeing with the color method selected. Explain your thoughts.
Should return Main Discussion Content in 15hrs.
once I receive the main discussion content then I will post the peer discussion in chat
peer response should be returned in next 10hrs
This week we focus on compositor. Discuss the key components of composition in data visualization. Note why the components are valuable when creating visualizations.
In response to peers, discuss a possible visualization that could use some of the components they mention in their initial post.
Should return Main Discussion Content in 15hrs.
once I receive the main discussion content then I will post the peer discussion in chat
peer response should be returned in next 10hrs
Select any example visualization or infographic and imagine the contextual factors have changed:
If the selected project was a static work, what ideas do you have for potentially making it usefully interactive? How might you approach the design if it had to work on both mobile/tablet and desktop?
If the selected project was an interactive work, what ideas do you have for potentially deploying the same project as a static work? What compromises might you have to make in terms of the interactive features that wouldn’t now be viable?
What about the various annotations that could be used? Thoroughly explain all of the annotations, color, composition, and other various components to the visualization.
What other data considerations should be considered and why?
Update the graphic using updated data, in the tool of your choice (that we’ve used in the course), explain the differences.
Be sure to show the graphic (before and after updates) and then answer the questions fully above. This assignment should take into consideration all the course concepts in the book. Be very thorough in your response. The paper should be at least three pages in length and contain at least two-peer reviewed sources.