Influence of consumer demographics in marketing


Influence of consumer demographics in marketing – outline
I. Introduction
a) Definition of demographics in marketing
b) Examining age and generational cohorts in impacting consumer behavior
c) Gender and sexuality in determining consumer behavior
d) The impact to social grade and income in consumer behavior

II. Consumer demographics
a) The role of age, social class and gender in organizational approach
b) Making distinctions between consumers
c) Consumer research is examined from the perspective of consumer demographics
d) Segmenting the market is a major aspect of consumer demographics
e) Answering the question whether demographics provide needed answers in consumer behavior (Puška et al., 2018)

III. Consumer Demographics-Basic Premise
a) Gender- How products influence female and male considerations
b) Age and how the different groups purchase the new product or service
c) There are specific commodities that are bought by a specific gender
d) Social class and income
e) Luxury goods are bought by the higher social classes (Velikova et al., 2009)

IV. Examining the impact of age
a) The meaning of age in business
b) Biological definition of age
c) Cognitive definition of age
d) Social aspect of age
e) Subjective relation of age
f) Perceived age in marketing (Muskat et al., 2019)

V. Age Related Behavior
a) How age influences values, motivation and needs
b) Are the elderly loyal as compared to the younger generation
c) The different ways of attracting different consumers
d) Identifying the different groups based on shopping attitudes

VI. Generational aspect
a) Generation aspect is an effective way of grouping the target population
b) A group of individuals who have gone through similar experiences
c) Existing clues used to appeal to different consumers
d) Defining characters that make them unique
e) There are the generation x and generation y
• Individualistic
• Advertising literate
• Always skeptical about the marketing activity
• Information revolution age
• Materialistic
• Cult of celebrity (Aureejo et al., 2020)
VII. Gender and behavior
a) Definition of consumer roles using gender
b) Examining the traditional gender roles in purchasing power
c) Stereotyping
VIII. Conclusion
a) Restating the thesis
b) Examining the role of gender in consumer behavior
c) Application in modern society
d) Lessons for future considerations

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Reference no: EM132069492

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