write a manual to a prince based on Machiavelli’s guidance that would explain these basic principles of action, leading to the conclusion that to act because of “necessity” is never in the best interests of the prince (though the prince will periodically have to so act).

Machiavelli spends a considerable amount of time discussing the circumstances under which a prince will act. What Machiavelli hopes to highlight is that it is always best for a prince to have as much control over a situation as possible, to not be forced to act by “necessity” or under the pressure of “fortune.” Using the text to guide you, write a manual to a prince based on Machiavelli’s guidance that would explain these basic principles of action, leading to the conclusion that to act because of “necessity” is never in the best interests of the prince (though the prince will periodically have to so act).

Reminder: your paper must use the text to support your argument. Quote and cite extensively.

Reference no: EM132069492

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