Analyze a cybersecurity incident or issue to explore the reasons and circumstances that caused the incident/issue, examine the actors involved, and provide recommendations to prevent similar incidents or mitigate the issue in the future.
Below are some resources to browse through for some topic inspirations:
The final report must follow the structure of sections outlined below:
1. Introduction
2. Case Description
3. Case Analysis
4. Recommendations
5. Conclusion
6. References
The introduction should provide a brief overview of the case and topic and inform the reader of the core issue of the case. It is recommended to add the introduction during the final stages of writing the report.
2. Case Description
After settling on a case, research as much relevant information as possible to describe as many case details you can find. The purpose of this section is to outline the following:
What exactly happened? – Chronologically outline the event
Who were the actors involved?
What was the method, or strategy of the attack?
This step is fundamental because the following analysis and recommendation will depend on the information you present here. You should use at least three different credible sources, including: Academic publications, established news papers and magazines, professional blogs, white papers, etc.
(Wikipedia is not a credible source, but a good point to start to check the references used there).
The case description must include:
Background information on the organization involved
Timeline of events.
3. Case Analysis
The analysis is the core part of your term project. In this section you will identify and analyze the attackers’ strategies and exposed vulnerabilities to explore the circumstances that lead to the security incident.
Based on your case description you should:
Identify the vulnerabilities exposed in the case: What was the problem?
Analyze the reasons for the vulnerabilities, such as human error,
The post Cybersecurity incident first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.