What does a quality inclusion program look like? How does it offer young children with disabilities access, participation and support, engage families, and inspire growth? For Part 1 of this Assignment, you will view 4 short videos about 3 young children who are enrolled in inclusive early childhood programs. After you have viewed the videos, you will explain how examples from the videos align with each of the goals outlined in the DEC/NAEYC Joint Statement on Early Childhood Inclusion. For Part 2 of this Assignment, you will write a reflection, analyzing how your learning about inclusive practices in this module has influenced your perception and practice of supporting and advocating for the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of every child, and summarizing your philosophy To Prepare: View the following videos about Deegan, a 2-year-old at the Heartland Community College Child Development Lab inclusive program, Samantha, a five-year-old in Head Start, and Drew, a young boy who transitioned from home-based early intervention to Early Head Start: Deegan’s Story Classroom Therapist Deegan Interactions Preschool Inclusion: Samantha Preschool Inclusion: Drew Part 1: Alignment with DEC/NAEYC Joint Statement on Early Childhood Inclusion Use the Inclusive Practices and Goals template to provide and explain at least two examples from the videos of each of the following goals. If you are not able to identify at least two examples, suggest your own recommendation(s) for specific programs/children: Create an inclusive environment. Utilize access, participation, and supports. Create high expectations for every child to reach his or her full potential. Establish a system of services and supports. Achieve an integrated professional development system. Part 2: Your Reflective Analysis of Inclusive Practice (5 pages) Based on what you have learned from analyzing the videos as they align with the goals of the Joint Position Statement on Early Childhood Inclusion and the resources in this module, respond to the following: Explain at least 4 insights you gleaned related to supporting and advocating for the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of every child from listening to the family members and the early childhood professionals involved in the lives of Deegan, Samantha, and Drew. Be sure to include examples. Explain at least 4 insights you gleaned about specific quality inclusive practices from listening to these same adults and watching Deegan, Samantha, and Drew. Be sure to include examples. Summarize your philosophy of inclusion, including how it relates to developmentally appropriate, child-centered early childhood settings.
The post Quality inclusion program first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.