why’s there a such pressing need for IOT and AI investment in the near future to develop smart cities will it have a positive or negative impact? The post Pressing need for IOT and AI investment first appeared…
The way your family of origin tends to handle conflict.
Think about the way your family of origin tends to handle conflict. Which of the 3 background systems described in Chapter 2 of Wilmot and Hocker (avoidant, collaborative, or aggressive) best describes your family? Explain…
Present all the major arguments on one side of the issue, and then present all the major arguments of the opposing viewpoint.
Informative Essay Outline Template When you write an informative essay that presents two sides of an issue without revealing bias, there are three primary organizational tactics that can be used: Present all the major arguments on one side of the…
What is the probable diagnosis of this patient, and what are some nutrition guidelines that would be effective to help her manage her symptoms?
Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn. 1. A young woman who is a full time college student presents with symptoms of chronic recurrent abdominal pain, diarrhea, excessive gas formation, abdominal…
write a manual to a prince based on Machiavelli’s guidance that would explain these basic principles of action, leading to the conclusion that to act because of “necessity” is never in the best interests of the prince (though the prince will periodically have to so act).
Machiavelli spends a considerable amount of time discussing the circumstances under which a prince will act. What Machiavelli hopes to highlight is that it is always best for a prince to have as much control over a situation as possible,…
What does it mean that Frederick Douglass mean to be free, but not free?
Learning Goal: I’m working on a political science multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Watch the movie…. What does it mean that Frederick Douglass mean to be free, but not free? What is the point…
: Describe, and define, two crimes Lola Lapidist is most likely to be charged with, if caught. Answer must be written in complete sentences, in paragraph format.
Learning Goal: I’m working on a law exercise and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Lola Lapidist works at SouthMiddle Shipping Corporation, unloading the shipping containers from the delivery trucks, and depositing checks each evening into the company’s…
What does Publix (or your favorite local grocery store) do to manage and enhance relationships with their customers?
Learning Goal: I’m working on a business discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn. Part 1. Should be between 300-500 words. APA citations. Please use websites and Chapters that are attached to this. Use in text citations.…
Prove that (sin4θ – cos4θ +1) cosec2θ = 2
Using any source, choose a quote about women in general, quote by a specific woman, or about a specific woman. Words of Wisdom
Learning Goal: I’m working on a history writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Using any source, choose a quote about women in general, quote by a specific woman, or about a specific woman. Words of Wisdom…