Rewrite the following run-on sentence according the instructions below: Elephants, particularly in Africa, have long been the target of poachers who look for a quick profit on ivory from their tusks people should stop buying any items that have ivory in them.

COM101/COM111   Test A on run-on sentences     Rewrite the following run-on sentence according the instructions below:     Elephants, particularly in Africa, have long been the target of poachers who look for a quick profit on ivory from…

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How do you back up your data?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a cyber security question and need guidance to help me learn. 1a = What are your personal data backup procedures? How do you back up your data? What data do you back up? How often do…

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How Komodo dragons hunt

  Watch the following video: Describe how Komodo dragons hunt. What would fans of the problem of evil say about this kind of thing happening in nature? Do they think a perfect God would create a world with this sort…

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The teleological argument

  Describe how the objects and events in the video are interconnected. How would Paley and other fans of the teleological argument explain all of this? What would they say must have created all of these creatures and caused them…

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