1. What is it that they believe?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a communications question and need support to help me learn. We hear a good deal about misinformation and related buzz word cousin “Fake News.” In these conversations we often get the hot take that what we…

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Trainee readiness

      Discuss how trainee readiness, training program structure, and transfer of training influence the effectiveness of worker training programs. Evaluate the influence of worker motivation on training effectiveness.       The post Trainee readiness first appeared on…

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Implications for Social Work Practice

      Ethical considerations Core values related to intervention and/or needs experienced by target population Are there any potential ethical issues that could occur as a result of implementation? Level of practice Individual, group, organization, community Discussion on why…

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Ancient Political Theory

      Research Question: According to St. Thomas Aquinas, what and how is a ruler and government considered a just ruler or government? Possible topics to address: virtue, theory of human nature, education, constitutions/types of government, religion and politics,…

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